When people come to Colombia to get laid, they often use Tinder
Or maybe they go to the nightclubs to meet sexy women
Perhaps some of these men go to shopping malls also or other public areas to do “daygame” in the hopes of finding a nice woman to sleep with
Well, before you show up to Colombia, you will want to get as many numbers as possible online before arriving
That way you can hit the ground running with contacts already made
Who knows – maybe one of these girls you meet online will even wait for you at the airport as I suggest you do in this article I wrote
Perhaps you will even enter into a serious relationship with a pretty Colombiana while you are down here
But you might be asking yourself – what are some other ways to meet Colombian women that I haven’t thought of yet?
The reality is that most foreigners recommend you use Tinder or Colombian Cupid to meet a Colombian woman online for dating purposes
But you can also do something that very few foreigners do – use Craigslist
Now in order to do this, you will need to write in Spanish
Or at least trust that Google Translate knows what it is doing
And before I ever entered into a relationship, I actually used Craigslist just a few times in Colombia
Just out of curiosity to see if it would work similarly down here
And to my surprise, it actually did result in getting a few numbers and hooking up once
Now I never have used it much, so I haven’t hooked up since then when using Craigslist down here
But since it worked once, surely it could work again?
Either way, it definitely seems like another option in your arsenal if you are hoping to meet women online before arriving to Colombia and hopefully getting laid from it also
So let’s break down quickly what I did
First: Finding Casual Encounters
Since this is in Spanish, you are going to need it when using the site when starting out.
On Craigslist in Colombia, you can visit the website here
Now you will want to click on the blue link that says “comunidad”
Keep in mind though that there are not many people who use Craigslist in Colombia for “comunidad”
So I’m not promising that you will find a lot of options here but it is technically possible since it did work for me once
And also keep in mind that most of the options you will find on here are going to be from the bigger cities like Medellin or Bogota for example
Don’t expect to necessarily find a woman on here in a city like Pasto or Riohacha
Now when you click on “comunidad,” you will see some people posting stuff in English and Spanish
But now that you are in the right spot, what should you say?

Second: Posting the Right Message
Keep in mind that the “comunidad” section will likely already have a few men posting on there advertising stuff like “American man living in Houston” or whatever.
You want to make yourself different from them.
Keep in mind most Colombians don’t speak English well so you don’t want to be lazy.
Even if you don’t speak Spanish, just use Google Translate here.
And there are two approaches you can try with your message.
First, you can advertise yourself as a man from the US that is going to be living in Colombia – not just visiting.
But this is important. First, you will be a more long term option for dating if you say you are going to be spending a longer time down here.
Second, it also advertises that you are going to be spending time in Colombia anyhow. Most of the men I remember seeing wrote stuff like “looking for wife to move to Colombia.”
Which, as you would know, obviously won’t work.
And in this message, you advertise that you are interested in meeting someone nice to date and get to know each other. Nothing casual. No mention of sex obviously.
Just leave it at that and wait for people to reach out to you.
However, this is less likely to work. While some women will be down for meeting a foreign man to go on a date with, many won’t feel much of an urge to do so.
It might be nice for them but there is no pressure on their part. They may simply not care.
The only other thing to do here is to include a photo of you with sunglasses ideally to cover your face and protect your identity if you want.
At least it makes it more personal and more likely a woman will find you attractive.
Doing stuff like including a photo or including a small and brief bio about yourself will help a lot in making yourself distinct.
But outside of this type of message, you can also go the typical “looking to learn Spanish” route. This is where you say you are looking to practice your Spanish and would be helpful in helping someone practice English.
Keep in mind you can also do this route more effectively under the “clases y tutorias” section of Craigslist on Colombia. Just make sure you are clear that you are only looking to practice different languages and that you are not offering a class.
Pitch it as something informal to practice Spanish and English and to ideally meet a nice woman on a date in a café or a park.
Now I don’t like going this route and I never do. When I used Craigslist, I went the first route mentioned here but this can work I suspect.
As long as you include a bio, a picture of yourself and a description of when you are going to be in Colombia.
And as long as you mention that you are interested in meeting a nice woman for a date to so that they know you are also interested in perhaps having something more intimate.
That’s especially important because you don’t want any chick to just imagine you as “some dude to practice English with.”
There is nothing romantic, sexual or intimate about that.
It’s simply another way to get your foot in the door to help set up a date but you need to clarify that you are not just “an English tutor” or whatever.
That you want to enjoy going on a date with someone nice also.
So that’s why I prefer the first option because it leaves no doubt and it’s not too much either. Just stating my intentions and seeing if it works.
Also keep in mind that there is a subsection called “eventos” under Comunidad. That would ideal also to use to meet people if the subsection actually had postings for events. However, as of time of this writing, it does not and I suspect it usually does not.
This is in large part because Craigslist in Colombia doesn’t get much traffic anyway in the “Comunidad” section.
However, since I did actually get a few numbers here and did get laid once doing this, I suppose it’s an option to keep in your toolbox when you are looking to get some numbers from women before you show up to Colombia.
Now what happens when you do get some people messaging you when you use either of the two formats above for your post?
Let’s look into that briefly.
Third: Getting the Number

Now getting her number is not difficult as this point if she has reached out to you.
The more difficult part here is making sure that the person is real and that it is a woman worth meeting.
So on the second issue – simply ask if she is a real woman or a man and the age also. From there, you will know if you want to exchange numbers or not.
Next, have Whatsapp available. Whatsapp is an app that you can use to text and call people domestically or internationally for free as long as you got Wifi.
So put her number in and find her on Whatsapp next.
Now you could have asked her for a photo before exchanging numbers. When I did this, I did it after I got the number.
Not everyone I got numbers from was attractive but one was – the chick I went on a date with.
So if a girl is not attractive, obviously you don’t have to keep talking. If your Spanish is rough though, it might be a good idea either way for two reasons.
One, it could serve as another person to practice your Spanish with over Whatsapp.
Second, regardless of your Spanish ability, you can become friends with this person and perhaps even be invited to a party or two if that were to occur.
I never did that specifically with Craigslist since my Spanish is fine and no chick I met on here invited me to any parties.
However, as written in this article, it’s not too uncommon for a Colombian woman to invite you to a small gathering, social event or party if she likes you enough.
And as shown before, it can lead to you meeting more attractive women that she is friends with. You get their numbers and then maybe set up a date later to get laid with someone different.
But I never did that specifically with Craigslist – only with women I have met in real life.
However, in theory, that should work out fine. There’s not much difference.
Either way, let’s say you do have a number now and she is pretty enough for you.
Next, make sure she is a real person. Simply do a video call over Whatsapp where you two talk and can see each other.
You can also exchange social media like Instagram.
All around, there are ways to make sure this person is legit.
Finally, you arrive to Colombia. How do you set up the date?
Fourth: Setting Up the Date

Now if you want more specific and detailed information on getting laid or finding a woman for a serious relationship…
Check out this article I wrote for causal hookups in Colombia.
Or this article for finding someone for a serious relationship.
Those two articles will serve you much better in the long run when it comes to this portion of hooking up.
But to summarize real quickly what to do here for hooking up – keep in mind a few things.
First, have her show up near where you live at a shopping mall. Most Colombian women feel more comfortable starting the date at a shopping mall.
Have it be a place within 5 to 10 minutes of walking distance.
Once she shows up, she will text you by Whatsapp that she is there. Leave your apartment and walk to where she specifically is.
She might show up a few minutes late to even 30 minutes late. Normal down here.
Next, take her by the hand to begin getting physical with her. Give her the kiss on the cheek that most Colombians do upon greeting or kiss on the lips if you feel you two are already at that point.
You just might be depending on how well you two escalated over the phone in the previous week or two.
Then take her to a bar, a café or a park. Somewhere cheap. No need to spend too much money if anything.
At the date, be chill with her and be humorous also. Don’t be afraid of flirting as Colombian women love to flirt more than American women. Just don’t overdo it.
Escalate physically with her to the point of going for the first kiss. Eventually take her back to your place when you feel she is probably down for some fun.
Offer to have some drinks back at your place and from there you will escalate back in your apartment.
Then sex either happens or it doesn’t.

Of course, there are many other details to keep in mind for escalating on a date and hooking up down here…
But I have already covered those in other articles like the ones mentioned above.
I’m just keeping this short and sweet in this article so it doesn’t get too long.
At any rate, you will either have had sex or not.
And for me, it worked out fine the one time I actually managed to find a chick on Craigslist in Colombia.
Again, given the lack of traffic to the comunidad section on Craigslist down here, don’t expect much to happen with this.
It’s not likely to work if I’m being honest because of the lack of traffic but it can. So just keep it as an option if you want before you show up to Colombia
And maybe it will work for you also!
Anyway, if you have any questions or insight of your own, let me know in the comment section or send me an email.
Thanks for reading and take care
Hasta luego parceros,
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