Every spring, the Colombian city of Barranquilla has one of the biggest carnivals in the world with the Barranquilla Carnival.
Sitting under the sun with friends and plenty of beer, we watched plenty of entertainers dance down the street with exciting music.
And among those entertainers were plenty of sexy Colombian women dressed nicely and performing for the crowd to see.
Beer, music, friends and sexy Colombianas
What more could the single man want?
But how exactly do you go about getting laid with those sexy Colombianas that you see in the street during one of the world’s biggest carnivals?
Well fortunately for you, the party spirit of this celebration means everybody is out looking to have a good time
And you will come across plenty of Colombian women and other foreigners looking to enjoy themselves during this occasion
But if you are going to come to the Barranquilla Carnival to enjoy the celebration and maybe even get laid, then there’s a few things you should know
That way you have the best shot at getting laid and having a good time during the Barranquilla Carnival
So let’s break down everything you need to know before you plan your trip to Barranquilla – La Puerta de Oro de Colombia!
¡Vámonos parceros!
Understanding the Barranquilla Carnival
Before we get into what you should do to best enjoy your time during this event, let’s break down what the Barranquilla Carnival is first.
First, this celebration occurs every spring a few days before Holy Month. So it’s usually held for 4 days sometime in February or March usually.
There are often a lot of folkloric celebrations during the carnival in which you have dances from various influences in Colombian culture being conducted. Many of these dances include the African congo, indigenous mico and micas, the Spanish paloteo and more.
You also have a variety of Colombian music being played during this time.
As a result of how culturally significant this event is, it has been designated as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
The first day of the Carnival will be on a Saturday with an event called the La Batalla de Flores. During this event, there will be a giant parade with the Carnival Queen being presented and various groups doing dances on the street.
Then on the following day, you will witness another important event called the Gran Parada de Tradición y Folclore. Held on Sunday, there will be numerous groups dancing down this great parade with some cumbia music playing also.
On Monday, there will be two main events called la Gran Parada de Fantasía and el Festival de Orquestas. The first event will be a great parade that has more floats and groups dancing that represent different folkloric traditions. The second event is a orchestra festival that has a lot of ensembles and is held at the Romello Martinez Stadium. You will hear different styles of Latin music, such as salsa, merengue, reggaeton, cumbia, vallenato and more.
Finally, Tuesday is the last day of the Barranquilla Carnival and is marked by the burial of Joselito Carnaval. This is a person that is supposed to represent the carnival itself and the great experiences it brings. Thus, with his burial, brings an end to the carnival.
Keep in mind that most of these events for the carnival itself are held on Via 40 avenue.
Now keep in mind that also there will be a Beer Festival held during this time on the Saturday of the Carnival. This event is known locally as the Festival de la Cerveza.
And outside of all of these organized events, you are also going to see people in the streets generally enjoying the good vibes and atmosphere of the occasion. Plenty of beer to go around and smaller parties being held everywhere amongst different groups of local people.
There are also gathering spots where people can meet, dance, socialize and drink together. These gathering spots are known as verbenas and salones burreros.
With all that said, it is clear that the Barranquilla Carnival is an amazing experience for anyone involved!
Quien lo vive, es quien lo goza
Now let’s find out what exactly you should do to be able to live it and enjoy it during this event
And ideally have a good time with some of the sexy Colombianas during this celebration

How Much Time for a Trip?
In an ideal world, you’d be showing up near January to be able to enjoy this event to the fullest you can.
The reason I say that is because it’d be easier for you to build up a small group of local friends that you can more easily enjoy this event with.
However, not everybody has that much time or money to be in Colombia that long leading up to the Carnival.
And also you can always bring a friend along with you to the event if at all possible.
But having said that, you really will have more success if you can give yourself more time.
For example, if you show up just a week or a few days before the event and you only stay here for that week, then you probably aren’t staying in an apartment obviously.
Which means you are more likely to be staying at a hotel or an Airbnb that might not be ideal for letting guests into your place if you want to get laid.
So by giving yourself more time to be here, it will be easier for you to find a very short term rental.
On top of that, you do want to make sure you figure out ahead of time where you will be staying because you want to make sure the place is favorable to letting female guests and also that it is not booked by others.
Because during this time in Colombia, a lot of places can end up being booked or prices get much higher.
Additionally, giving yourself more time will allow you to enjoy the Colombian women a little bit more before the event starts
And even get to know a few of them a little more well so that you have a favorite or two you like most and wouldn’t mind enjoying more of the event with.
Plus, you can also find it easier to perhaps make a local guy friend or two that can introduce you to some women while there.
So having said all of that, it is possible of course for you to get laid with only a week here
But it will be more difficult. Try giving yourself a month at least and aim for more time if possible before the event and ideally a week after the Barranquilla Carnival is over.
If at all possible, two months would be great. That would give you a month and a half before the Carnival and about 2 weeks to enjoy after it.
And as always, the more time the better for your chances of getting laid here.
But let’s address now one of the limiting factors when it comes to how long you can be here – budget!
Making a Budget
There are primarily two main factors when it comes to giving you as much time to enjoy Barranquilla and the carnival.
One is if you have any obligations to a job or a school that requires your physical presence and only allows you a certain amount of time away.
The other is the budget.
Since I don’t have much advice for the first limitation aside from building an online income, let’s just focus on the second one instead.
How much money should you be spending to enjoy your time here?
Keep in mind that we are going to need ideal logistics if we want to get laid. An ideal place that is in a safer neighborhood mostly.
Now given that the Barranquilla Carnival raises the prices of rentals and hotels, it will be more expensive to stay here during this part of the year.
Below is an estimated budget of what I believe you will be spending for one week:

- Hotel: $30 USD a night x 7 nights = $210 USD.
- Food: $20 USD a day x 7 days = $140 USD.
- Transportation: $6 USD a day x 7 days = $42 USD.
- Beer Money: $100 USD
- Miscellaneous: $58 USD
- Flight Cost: $800 USD roundtrip
- Total: $1,350 USD.
Now here’s an estimated budget for one month:
- Apartment: $400 USD
- Food: $10 USD a day x 20 days = $200 USD.
- Eating Out: 10 Days x 15 USD = $150 USD
- Transportation: $6 USD a day x 30 days = $180 USD.
- Beer Money: $160 USD
- Miscellaneous Costs: $60 USD.
- Flight Cost: $800 USD roundtrip
- Total: $1,950 USD.
Now keep in mind a few notes on these numbers:
First, the miscellaneous costs are not much. I don’t think you’ll spend near $60 USD on “miscellaneous costs” but who knows. I used that to roundup the numbers simply but it won’t be much at all.
Second, the apartment cost of $400 USD is for a furnished place that has utilities covered under that cost.
Third, transportation costs are under a taxi ride or maybe en Uber. I estimate you will take it twice a day. This cost could vary.
Fourth, when it comes to beer money, I tried to overestimate it by a bit.
Fifth, one could argue my food costs are overestimated a little bit too.
Sixth, my estimates for hotel costs could be off depending on how quickly you get a place. You might end up spending more than $30 bucks a night or maybe even less if you do well.
In short, these costs should be taken nothing more than a rough estimate. It’s normally cheaper anyway to live in Barranquilla than my estimated $1,150 USD a month but I bumped the costs up a little bit due to how much tourism will be hitting this city for your visit.
And also, if these numbers turn out to be more or less an accurate estimation of your real expenses, then you can guess then that you would be spending about a $1,000 USD a month for any extra month you decide to live in Barranquilla.
So if you did go for two months, I’d make the overall estimates near $3,000 USD. It’d be just an extra $1,000 USD on top obviously since you aren’t including more roundtrip flights of $800 USD a piece.
Therefore, if your trip happens to be more than a month, just add an extra $1,000 USD on there per month plus any expenses you personally would have that I didn’t include here.
Now let’s get onto the fun stuff…..
Meeting the chicas!
Building a Mini Army of Sexy Colombianas!

Regardless of how much time you are going to spend in Barranquilla, you need to make sure you have women waiting for you before you arrive.
That way you hit the ground running once you get here.
Now how do you do this?
First, download Whatsapp in your phone. It’s an app that allows you to send texts, voice messages, photos and videos domestically and internationally for free. It also allows you to make calls and video calls domestically and internationally for free.
As long as you got Wifi.
Now you need that because most Colombian women use Whatsapp for communication.
Second, you are going to have to meet these women online before you arrive to Barranquilla. Two of the better tools for this are Tinder Plus and Colombian Cupid
With Tinder Plus, you pay about $10 USD more or less and can swipe in Barranquilla without being there
You get unlimited swipes and also get to press a purple button that puts your profile near the top of male profiles in that city
With that tool, your profile will get more traffic, you get matches and get more numbers.
Read this article I wrote by the way on how to get numbers from Tinder if interested. You might need it for when you are getting matches from Barranquilla.
Now with Colombian Cupid, you have to spend about $17.98 USD for one month or more money for additional months if you want.
Then you basically make your profile and message women on that website from Barranquilla.
Now you can use either online tool to meet Colombian women ahead of time. I recommend you give yourself about one month at most if your purpose is to meet women and get their numbers.
Anything longer and you will find that more of the women will lose interest in you. You need plenty of time to get as many numbers as possible and just enough time that not too many lose interest in you.
In my experience, a month about does the trick there and is a right amount of time.
So once you start getting numbers, you can find these chicks on Whatsapp. Message them and get the ball going. Be a little bit flirtatious, show you speak Spanish, show that you are a foreign by sending them voice messages or setting up calls with them.
That is needed sometimes because occasionally one of them might doubt you are a foreigner.
Over time, some of them might even get sexual with you before you even show up. Such as sharing nude photos or getting more sexual in a video call.
Either way, before you show up to Colombia, you will want to have a good idea of which of these chicks you have are worth spending time with.
Not all of them will be that into you and you won’t be into all of them either.
So if you happen to have quite a large amount of numbers in your phone, which is very easy to do within a month, then write down a list of which chicks are the best in order.
The ones at the top of the list are the ones we prioritize most obviously.
And before you show to Barranquilla, set it up to where one of them is waiting for you at the airport.

How it works is basically like this.
First, have the two best girls identified from your numbers. Best means the best looking girl that has shown you the most interest also. It’s a bonus but not necessary if she has gotten sexual with you online.
So with the best chick, tell her you would like her to meet you at the airport. If she says yes, great. Tell her the airline information and arrival information a day to a week before your arrival.
Then tell the second best chick you would like her to show up and wait for you at the airport but don’t give flight details or exact arrival details.
So that way if the first chick cancels last minute, you got the second chick to wait for you.
And on the day of arrival, tell whichever of the two chicks that isn’t meeting you that your flight has been delayed and you will be showing up at night. That way there is no real chance both of them could be waiting for you at the airport.
Now when you arrive to Barranquilla, you already got yourself a nice sexy Colombian woman to start your trip with. You two might get sexual that very same day even – as has been the case for me many times.
Now isn’t that a great start to your time in Barranquilla – The Golden Gate to Colombia!
Then within the rest of your time in Barranquilla, you will be setting up dates with the rest of the chicks you have met.
And depending on how much time you have, you might be able to do a lot of daygame, meeting chicks during the Barranquilla Carnival itself and also some social game.
We’ll get into each of those soon…
But must first cover other preparation details that you will need to take before your trip for the Barranquilla Carnival.
Do You Need Spanish?

While normally I recommend learning Spanish regardless of where you go in Colombia, it all depends.
Of course, learning Spanish will greatly increase the amount of women you can date here.
And it isn’t that hard. Just get it to a conversational level and give yourself at most 6 months of studying on your own before you show up.
In fact, read some of my articles on learning Spanish! I have this article on 25 tips to learn Spanish and this other article that gives a good suggestion on how to learn it before your trip to Colombia.
And there’s a few other things to point out here.
First, the population in Barranquilla doesn’t speak English as well as other Colombian cities like Medellin. So learning some Spanish would be much more helpful.
Second, Barranquilla gets a lot more tourists during this time of year for the carnival. And many of them do speak English fluently or as a second language. So you can work with them also to get laid.
Overall, not speaking Spanish isn’t going to kill your chances but will greatly improve your chances at getting laid during the Barranquilla Carnival.
And you know what else will improve your chances of getting laid? Having some local friends that you can meet up with.
Making Friends before Arrival
This is another pre-arrival advice that will help you in your transition to spending time in Barranquilla. With more local friends, you will have some folks that can show you around and give you good advice.
And also some who can even introduce you to some nice women.
Now if you don’t have any contacts in Barranquilla, this will be more difficult but not impossible. My main piece of advice here is to simply go on Facebook and type in “Barranquilla” for example or similar search terms in the group section.
For example, there is a group of 3,000 people called “Expats & Friends of Barranquilla.” I’m not sure how active it is but I quickly found their group based on a 30 second search.
Do this and prepare yourself by having local contacts you can be friends with during your time here.
Not only can some of the people you find online perhaps help you get laid during the Barranquilla Carnival but they can also help you with logistics possibly for your trip
And if you don’t have good logistics, you will have a harder time getting laid
So let’s talk about that next
Setting Up the Right Logistics
If you want the best logistics for getting laid in Barranquilla, you should set up your place near a shopping mall at least and ideally some bars too.
For shopping malls, some of the better ones to be positioned near would be Centro Comercial Buenavista and Centro Comercial Villa Country.
Another one would be Viva Centro Comercial and also Centro Comercial Único.
But out of all of those, I prefer Buenavista and Villa Country.
Now you also have nightlife. The thing about nightlife in Barranquilla is that a lot of the bars are spread out. However, you do have two particular areas that have a higher concentration of nightlife than other areas.
The streets that have the highest concentration of nightlife in Barranquilla are Calle 84, Carrera 21 and Carrera 8.
Now in my experience, Calle 84 is much safer than the other two options. I wouldn’t want to live that far south in the city near Carrera 21 or Carrera 8.
That means to be closer to Calle 84, some of the better malls to be positioned close to would be Buenavista, Villa Country Unico.
You would still take an uber from those locations but it won’t be as far. So in short, try to get an apartment for anything at least a month or a hotel or Airbnb for anything less than a month near these areas mentioned for best logistics.
But with the logistics mentioned, how should you look in terms of appearance if you are meeting girls during the Barranquilla Carnival?
Do you need a suit or something more casual?
Let’s look into that.
Attire during the Barranquilla Carnival

Before you step on a plane to Barranquilla for this occasion, you will want to make sure you are dressed appropriately.
Now keep in mind Barranquilla is very hot. You spend 5 seconds outside and you are already sweating.
Additionally, people from Barranquilla tend to not dress up as formally as people would from other cities like Bogota or Medellin in Colombia.
People here are more informal from what I have seen.
Now that doesn’t mean you show up in sandals and shorts because that’s too informal.
When packing your suitcase, get some of the following:
- Lots of deodorant.
- Some well fitting pants that are either blue or black in color.
- Some sneakers and also some more semi formal shoes that looks nicer. Here is something you can check out on Amazon.
- More informal but still nice looking shirts for when outside and more semi formal shirts for any night going to a nicer club. Here is something you can check out on Amazon.
- A decent watch. Here is something you can check out on Amazon.
- Plenty of condoms obviously.
As long as you don’t look sloppy and have a decent sense of what will look good on you, your attire will be fine for your time here. In short, you want a more informal look (but not too informal) for when you are out during the day throughout the Barranquilla Carnival itself and any of its associated events. For time in bars and nightclubs, you will want a nicer look obviously.
So with all of that said about pre-arrival preparation, you should now be ready for your time in Barranquilla to enjoy this amazing carnival!
But how should you spend your time here once you arrive? Let’s get into the actionable advice for when you are here.
Arrival to Barranquilla
As said before, you will ideally have a woman waiting for you at the airport before you arrive. You two will say hi, go for the first kiss and you will take her to a taxi.
Now when you arrive to the airport in Barranquilla, keep in mind a good deal of the taxi drivers there will do their best to rip you off for the taxi.
Once you are outside, you will have a bunch of random dudes coming up to you going “Taxi? Taxi?” The thing is you have so many out there that you can easily deny someone trying to rip you off.
In my experience, the usual price for a taxi will be between 20,000 Colombian pesos to 25,000 Colombian pesos but it depends on where in the city you are going. And it can be higher by about 1,100 Colombian pesos on weekends, holidays and during the night.
In dollars, that will be 5.92 USD to $7.40 USD.
Also, if anyone tries quoting you in USD instead of pesos, it’s most likely best that you don’t do business with them. In my experience, Colombians that try to do business in USD instead of dollars are just trying to squeeze as much money out of you as possible.
So now you are in the taxi and heading to your apartment, hotel or Airbnb that you found online through Google or through maybe some folks on a Barranquilla Facebook page.
Now during the time that you have a girl next to your side on the way to your place, don’t let her see your phone obviously. Have it turned to silent anytime you are on a date with a woman.
If you have plenty of women in your phone, it could be an issue. Also make sure to not open up your Whatsapp, Tinder or phone contacts with her in eyesight.
At any rate, you two will arrive at your place and maybe at sometime get sexual during your initial date with whoever was waiting for you. It’s quite possible it will happen as it has happened to me plenty of times.
But regardless, you don’t want to forget your other girls on your phone. Once the first woman heads back to her place and your date is over with her, send messages to your other girls. Tell them you are in Barranquilla but never tell them exactly where you are.
Reason for that is because some of them might try to show up unannounced to your place. At best, that can be annoying. At worst, they might catch you with another girl.
They only get to know where you live when you take them on a date back to your place.
So now everything is settled. You had your first date. You are in your apartment and have your stuff organized. Your other girls know you have arrived. Maybe you had some dinner at a nearby restaurant.
What to do next?
Since you are here on basically a vacation with limited time and you are trying to get laid, your time should be divided into the following:
- Some basic free time to yourself to relax
- Hanging out with some male friends you perhaps made online
- Going on dates with chicks you met online
- Finding new chicks to get numbers from to go on dates with later
- Enjoying Barranquilla Carnival and maybe enjoying nearby touristy attractions if time permits
So let’s break down where you can meet other girls to set up new dates later!
Meeting New Colombianas

The options to meet new Colombian women outside of the Barranquilla Carnival will be the following:
- Social circle Game
- Online game
- Night game
- Day game
First, social circle game. Basically you just utilize the contacts you have to meet new people. Maybe a male friend you met on a Facebook group or even a chick you already are in contact with. You get invited to a party or some social gathering and get introduced to new women. Read this article I wrote on one example of me meeting new women through contacts I have made here.
Second, online game. Basically just keep using Tinder or Colombian Cupid as you are here if you want. Will make it easier to have more women roll into your life as you are here.
Third, night game. Now it’s difficult in Colombia to actually meet women during the night. Most of the clubs and bars are tables and chairs. Most people don’t mingle with others. Now you can mingle a little bit easier on Calle 84 where there’s a lot of people outside in the street at times. Otherwise, a bar named La Troja will be best for mingling as there are a ton of Colombian people there dancing in the street.
For La Troja, simply learn the basics to salsa dancing and you will be fine. No woman will expect you to even know how to dance to salsa. Knowing the basics will be impressive and help you get your foot in the door.
Also, if a woman dressed in a very sexy way approaches you during the night, there’s a high probability it is a prostitute. Not always but is quite often the case so be careful with those.
Fourth, day game. As hinted at before under logistics, day game is best near shopping malls. Barranquilla is not as nicely designed for finding and approaching women on the street. For this reason, shopping malls are the best. Go to any of the ones recommended under logistics. And when it comes to actual daygame, I recommend indirect game if doing it in a shopping mall. I tend to go for indirect game in more established places like malls, cafes, etc.
One other thing is that if your Spanish is bad, you will find English levels to be better in Buenavista and Villa Country Shopping Malls. Even then, the English levels won’t be ideal and you really will benefit from conversational level Spanish. But if your Spanish is still bad by this point, go to those places.
With all that said, you will hopefully add more women into your phone number that you can meet later for dates and maybe hooking up.
And where else can you meet sexy Colombian women? The Barranquilla Carnival!
So let’s now discuss getting set up for that.
Preparation for the Barranquilla Carnival
One of the reasons for why you will want to show up before the Barranquilla Carnival begins is that you will want to purchase tickets for better seating to the parade.
Now I haven’t bought tickets in a while but I bought my last ones some time ago in Buenavista Shopping Mall if I remember right.
Other shopping malls might sell them too. I don’t remember how much I spent for better seating but it wasn’t much. If I remember right, I might have spent about 50 USD at most.
So make sure to get those tickets ahead of time.
Next, you will want to plan dates during the actual Barranquilla Carnival. Now keep in mind not all the chicks in your phone will be able to meet you when you want. Many of them might be going to parties among family members for example and you won’t be invited since you are a stranger to them still obviously.
And also if I remember right, the events and parades I saw for the Barranquilla Carnival started around 9 or 10 AM ish. Maybe 12 PM at latest but it was in the early morning to very early afternoon.
Which is perfect because it’s rare for me to get a girl to go on a date during the morning anyway.
So make sure to enjoy the Carnival for what it’s worth and maybe invite a girl or two during the actual parades themselves. It will be ideally a girl or two you already have been sexual with by this point. That way you can bring her back to your place after you two get tired of watching the parade.
Then during the afternoon after you decide to leave the parade, you have more options for meeting women. Let’s get into those.
The Beer Festival

Otherwise known as the Festival de la Cerveza.
This event is held on Saturday and again would be an ideal event to take a girl you already have been sexual with. Reason being is that it costs a ticket to enter from what I remember. So you don’t want to spend money on a chick that you won’t know if you will have a good time or not yet. I don’t remember though how much a ticket was but it’s not much. I don’t believe I spent more than $20 USD on a ticket and even that seems a little bit excessive.
So show up and enjoy the event with whoever you take with you!
The Verbenas and Salones Burreros
These are events where you can mingle a little bit easier and meet Colombian women potentially.
The verbenas are these open spaces where people dance and socialize. You will want to ask your apartment or hotel owner where some of these events will be held for your particular trip when you show up. They will be good overall for meeting some girls, getting a number or two and perhaps even bringing a girl back to your place.
Now the salones burreros are semi-open rooms that you can enter to again also dance and socialize in general. Again, you would want to ask someone like an apartment or hotel owner where they are located.
In either event, obviously aim for going to the ones closer to your place so that you have the best logistics. And both types of events tend to be free to enter in my experience.
La Troja
As mentioned, this is a very popular bar in Barranquilla where you have hundreds of people dancing in the street at times.
During the Barranquilla Carnival at night, this place is exciting. You can have a chance at bringing a girl back to your place or even taking a nice date here if you want.
Also, there is a rock bar I recommend you try that is only a minute walk from here called 4°b Bar. It can be a nice place to go to with a date for a quick drink and then back to your place also. Very close to La Troja within a minute of walking or less.
All around, La Troja is one of the places to be during the Barranquilla Carnival at night due to its nice music, vibrant atmosphere, girls dancing in the street and a nice nearby bar or two like 4°b Bar.
And with all that said, let’s look into the type of girls you will likely be meeting while on getting laid during the Barranquilla Carnival.
The Sexy Colombian Women of Barranquilla
In Barranquilla, the women here in this city and nearby cities along the Caribbean Coast are known as costeñas.
You will find that the women here have slightly browner skin than the rest of the country. Though there is a good mix of white, brown and black women in general.
It also depends on where in Barranquilla you are at. You will find that the Colombians you see in wealthier areas like Buenavista Shopping Mall or Universidad del Norte tend to be whiter than Colombians in other parts of Barranquilla.
But overall there is a strong mix of people from all backgrounds.
Then you have the curves themselves. Women from Barranquilla tend to be a bit curvier overall. There is also a healthy amount of plastic surgery done to the women in this city but it pales in comparison to the amount of plastic surgery done in other Colombian cities like Medellin. So in general, plastic surgery isn’t super common relative to other Colombian cities but it does exist.
Most of the women here just tend to be naturally curvier in general when compared to other Colombian cities.
Overall, the women here are quite attractive.
Sexy Women From Outside of Barranquilla

Additionally, you will find that there are plenty of other foreign women to meet during the Barranquilla Carnival.
After all, it’s one of Colombia’s biggest cultural events and attracts quite a party.
In short, a good deal of the women you meet here who are not from Barranquilla are from other cities in Colombia.
Cities like Medellin, Pereira, Cali, Bogota, etc.
Furthermore, a strong percentage of the women you will meet that are not from Colombia are usually other types of Latinas. This could include Venezuelans, Peruvians, Panamanians, etc.
The Venezuelans you meet are more likely to be poorer in Colombia and during the Barranquilla Festival. English levels are lower among them generally.
English levels among other types of Latinas in general that traveled to Barranquilla for this festival tend to be better. They tend to be from the upper middle class or higher since they can afford to travel to Colombia and speak English better overall.
For the Colombians visiting from other cities, you will notice the ones coming from Medellin or Bogota usually speak English better.
So if your Spanish is quite bad, you can perhaps get laid with a few other chicks who are also from outside Barranquilla and who might speak English to a good degree.
The only other thing to mention is that you also have other foreigners from more developed countries like the US or Canada visiting.
Obviously, they will speak English.
However, a good deal of them that I have met during my time in the Barranquilla Carnival was usually men looking to get laid with the local women.
Occasionally you will see some foreign women from these countries here and they usually are single or willing to hook up at least.
Which brings us to an important point…
How Easy Are the Women During the Barranquilla Carnival?

Let’s break it down by group.
First, the people from outside of Barranquilla. They tend to be quite easy overall because they are usually on vacation and looking for a bit of adventure and fun.
Now what about the local women from Barranquilla?
How easy are they?
Well, it works both ways here.
First, you have a lot more tourism to the city during the Barranquilla Carnival. The local women tend to be easier overall when the Barranquilla Carnival hasn’t happened yet because they are not getting hit on a lot by foreign men just yet.
Which is another reason why you should set your trip in a way to show up a month at least before the Barranquilla Carnival begins. You can work a little bit easier on the chicks you meet and none of them will not be hit yet with more foreign attention.
Which overall means your exotic value as a foreign man is a little bit higher before the Barranquilla Carnival starts.
And with that head start, you can have a little group of women that you already slept with that you can have more fun with during the Barranquilla Carnival. These will be women that you already reached that point with and who can have more fun with you during moments you aren’t interacting with new women yet.
However, on the other side, a lot of these foreign men you see in Barranquilla are not usually the highest quality men from what I have seen.
They usually show up in sandals, shorts and no Spanish.
And some of them are quite old!
So while not all the foreign men are like that during this time, it’s not hard to outcompete a good deal of them.
And on top of all of this, the vibrant atmosphere of the Barranquilla Carnival tends to bring out the wild nature of the women from Barranquilla…
And the women from outside of Barranquilla
So as long as you are a man that speaks Spanish to a conversational level and has better looks than the average foreigner with enough social competence….
And assuming you make contact and work with enough women before your trip that ideally will last longer than a week…
You. Should. Kill. It. Here.
All that together will really give you a good chance at getting laid frequently enough while down here during the Barranquilla Carnival.
And perhaps even after the Barranquilla Carnival….
Post Barranquilla Carnival Adventure

Finally, I recommend you organize a little bit of time to enjoy the Colombian women after your experience with the Barranquilla Carnival.
After all, you are in an entirely new country – Colombia!
So why not enjoy a little bit of it outside the beer and the women
You’d be missing out if you didn’t organize a little bit of a different type of fun on the side
So this is what I recommend if you are limited on the time you can have after the Barranquilla Carnival
Out of all the women that you met during your time before and during the Barranquilla Carnival, pick the very best one you like the most
The one that you get along with the most and who ideally was the best at sex in general
Take the best one you can and offer to take her on a cheap trip to a nearby city called Santa Marta or Cartagena
In Cartagena, you will have better nightlife overall with better clubs and bars and some historical areas
In Santa Marta, you are going to have amazing beaches to enjoy
I personally would go with Santa Marta. After all this time during the Barranquilla Carnival, you’ve probably had your fair share of drinking at the clubs and bars already
Either way, it shouldn’t cost too much. You won’t be spending $100 USD a night on a hotel since hotels are not that expensive here. It’s been a while for me but I would estimate maybe $25 to $50 USD for an hotel room for both of you?
And so if your personal budget allows it, go enjoy an amazing beach at the Parque Tayrona near Santa Marta or the nightlife in Cartagena
You ideally will have an amazing experience that can put the cherry on the top for your overall time in the Caribbean Coast of Colombia
An experience that involved…
- Traveling to a new country
- Practicing a new language
- Enjoying different food
- Cheap beer
- Making new male friends in Colombia
- Taking time away from a hectic and stressful life in the US perhaps
- Enjoying amazing nightlife during one of the world’s biggest carnivals
- Getting laid with plenty of sexy women
- Ideally a final few days at a beautiful beach or in an historic city with more nightlife
- Contacts of women that you can perhaps meet again on a later return trip to Colombia
What more could the single man on a trip like this want?
Final Thoughts

Hopefully you are now ready to enjoy a trip to Barranquilla to enjoy one of the world’s greatest carnivals.
There’s a reason why Barranquilla is known as the “La Puerta de Oro de Colombia”
Otherwise known as “Colombia’s Golden Gate”
Because after your experience getting laid during the Barranquilla Carnival, you will want a stronger taste of Colombia
And perhaps you will even end up visiting many of the other amazing cities like Pereira, Cali, Medellin, Bogota, Popayán and more
Which, believe me, has plenty of sexy Colombianas waiting to have a good time also
Now if you have any questions or insight of your own regarding how to enjoy the Barranquilla Carnival and get laid, let me know in the comment section
Or send me an email in the contact form – either one works!
Hope you have a great time during the Barranquilla Carnival with all the Colombian women available.
Thanks for reading and take care
Hasta luego parceros,
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