Let’s say you are a dude living in the US dating American women
And you are looking for someone more serious to settle down with
No longer are you playing the field trying to get laid every night – now it’s different
You want someone that you can have a realistic shot of having a stable marriage and future with throughout the rest of your life
And one day, you go to a café to have a date with some chick named Jessica for example
The date goes along well and you two meet up several times later for other dates
But over the course of getting to know Jessica, you find out one concerning fact about her
That she has $32,731 USD in student loan – which, by the way, is the average amount of student loan debt per person according to this article here
And let’s say she has $8,000 USD in credit card debt and $10,000 USD in car debt
A grand total of $50,731 USD.
Now to be fair – that is a little bit higher than what the average American has in debt
Which is $38,000 USD on average per American individual according to this article here
However, there are cases much worse than $38,000 USD or $60,731 USD as there are Americans taking in student loan debt of over $100,000 USD for some low value degree
Or taking in a ton of debt in credit cards or vehicles
And even if her debt was $38,000 USD, there is no guarantee her income is strong or her earning potential is great with her chosen career
So Jessica could have let’s say somewhere between $38,000 USD to $60,000 USD while only making $28,000 USD
And depending on how bad her debt really is, $28,000 USD just isn’t going to cover the hole she is in
Maybe if her debt was only $38,000 USD, but it could be much worse as it often is in the US
It is increasingly becoming more common for American women (and men) to be taking on way too much debt than they can afford
With salaries that simply can’t cover what is owed
A great example of that is this video I watched here on Youtube of a woman calling in to talk to Dave Ramsey
Now Dave Ramsey is basically a financial expert that gives advice to people calling in with financial difficulties
And the woman calling in has considerable debt that her income would have difficulty paying back while also needing help from the man she is with to pay $2,000 USD per month to her parents in retirement
It’s stories like this that make me shake my head
Because you often get cases of guys who are doing fine financially – not great but overall in one piece
Where they make an average to decent salary with debt that isn’t too high….
And they marry some chick that has a considerable amount of debt from spending or college habits with a salary that simply can’t cover it realistically
And how do these women – who often claim to be strong and independent – cover the debt?
Well, they marry some dude like this one and have him help cover their debt and any miscellaneous financial difficulty!
Meanwhile, financial issues is one of the biggest causes of divorce in the US
And getting divorced, as mentioned in this article I wrote, can absolutely wreck a guy financially
While maybe even destroying any chance he had of a decent retirement!
And both of these facts reveal two of some of the biggest reasons for why most American women are not marriage material
First, that a considerable portion of them are simply way too much in debt with salaries that can’t cover what they are in for
Second, that they can easily divorce rape you for whatever reason – including if the stress of covering her financial mistakes is way too much
Now to be fair – yes, I hear it already – there are men out there that make huge financial mistakes and are in debt also
I hear you ladies – men can make those same mistakes too and often do!
But I’m not talking about men – this site is for dating hot Latinas (and often Colombian specifically).
And so I’m speaking to the men out there interested in dating Colombian or Latina women specifically
While covering some of the reasons for why Colombian women are much more better for dating than American women
And what are some of those reasons?
Well, first, when concerning the issue of divorce…
As mentioned in this article I wrote, divorce is a lot less risky to men in Colombia than it is in the US
But also when it comes to issues regarding debt, it’s much less of an issue in Colombia also
Where the average Colombian woman simply brings in a lot less debt to the table — if any – and won’t likely bring as much during marriage
Why is that?
To be fair, it was a little bit difficult trying to find actual numbers on debt in Colombia
However, according to this news article here by Portafolio (in Spanish), credit card users in Colombia had a total of 28.8 billion Colombian pesos of debt by the end of August 2018.
Now that is roughly – more or less — $8,237,865.60 USD of total credit card debt in Colombia.
While in the US, credit card debt has surpassed even $1 trillion USD at one point.
Granted, the US has a much bigger population than Colombia but still…
You get the point – there’s a lot less credit card debt in Colombia than in the US
When it comes to student loan or vehicle debt – it was harder to find any real information online.
It does appear that some of Colombia’s educational institutions have a deficit but not any real information about how much student loan debt – if any – a typical Colombian has.
Now this is where my personal experience of living here for over 10 years comes in also.
I have gone on tons of dates with Colombian women over this time.
To be fair, most of these women I just had hookups with and that was it. Nothing too serious so I can’t tell you how much debt they would have.
However, I considered all the debt that the more serious women I have been with have had down here and also I asked my Colombian girlfriend as of now for help
To have her ask her friends that she is personal with to see if any of them have debt or know anyone that has any type of debt either
Now among all the Colombian girls I have ever gotten serious with, none of them ever had any type of debt whatsoever.
I simply can’t think of a single Colombian chick that has any type of debt.
But when dating in the US, it’s incredibly easy to find someone with debt – simply because it’s the norm up there.
I remember one time I was discussing this with my brother in the States a year or two ago about dating in the US
And he and I disagreed on a certain standard every man should have when dating – not to date women who have any debt!
I believed that it was not necessary to date a woman that had any type of debt – no exceptions.
He believed that was too harsh and not realistic
And asked “where are you going to find a woman that doesn’t have any kind of debt?”
That’s when it hit me
My reality is simply different from his reality
Living in the US, he’s used to it
While living in Colombia, it’s simply something I never had to worry about since literally no girl I have ever dated down here has had any type of debt whatsoever
That happens by the way – those little moments where reality hits you after living abroad for so long
Where you realize something is the norm in the US and you forgot about it after being away for a long time
And this was no exception
Anyway, my current girlfriend, as you can already guess, has absolutely no debt.
Car? She bought one full without taking out any debt. Most Colombians I know do that but not all!
Credit card debt? Doesn’t have a credit card.
Not enough money? Then ain’t buying it is her motto.
Student loan debt? Nope either.
And when she asked her friends, one came back saying that she had a little bit of credit card debt.
Now her friend didn’t disclose how much – that’s a bit personal to ask obviously.
So I can say that finally – as of this writing – I have met a Colombian woman that has debt!
It might not be a lot of debt and I don’t actually know this friend of hers personally
But it’s someone!
After an intensive investigation, someone in Colombia that has debt is for sure out there
Based on this investigative reporting you are reading here obviously
But sarcasm aside – you get the idea
Colombian women simply don’t bring anywhere near as much debt to the table as American women do
If they have debt that is anyway
And when they do, it’s not likely to be much
Therefore, much more manageable and less likely to cause financial stress in your relationship or marriage
And isn’t that another great reason to date Colombian women?
Among all the other reasons you should date them as I outlined in this article I wrote here
Now if you have any questions or insight of your own, let me know in the comment section below or send me an email
Thanks for your time and take care
Hasta luego parceros,
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