Instagram Game Mastery Review: How to Get Hot Girls Online

It’s 6 PM on a Tuesday and you are walking to a restaurant to have some dinner on a sunny day

But along the way you run across a beautiful woman in a nice dress that is just your type and you want to know her more

Upon approaching her, you two get to know each other but you got to get going because you have to meet some friends at the restaurant you are going to

With limited time, you end the conversation with this girl on a good note and hand her your phone to give you her Instagram

And when she follows you, she sees your profile and your entire life and is impressed

By simply accepting her on Instagram, you now have another new woman that is messaging you and agrees to meet later that Friday

And before you even have a date with this girl, you are just as well messaging and meeting new chicks naturally on Instagram

Over time, one simple app on your phone has helped you establish a variety of women that believe you are a high value man and are interested in meeting you

And maybe you two hook up with some of them or perhaps you end up in a serious relationship

All of this is ultimately part of a more modern way of meeting women – Instagram Game. This is a way to promote yourself online with the best profile you can create to ultimately bring and keep women into your life that you can date later

If you really want to improve your ability to attract and retain high quality women in your life, this is one way to do so and it will put you above the competition in the dating market easily

So would you like to know how to use Instagram to achieve this?

Then check out Instagram Casanova and his Instagram Game Mastery!

Who is Instagram Casanova?

First, Instagram Casanova is a man known as Vinny that has traveled the world and met women in various countries

Over his time traveling, he learned the importance of a first impression when it comes to women in dating and people in general

One of the ways that he tries to create a good first impression is by having a strong Instagram that allows him to be portrayed in the best possible manner

This ultimately became important for dating as well and he has become an expert on dating. On this website, IGCasanova, you can find different courses that he offers from daygame to Instagram. He also offers daygame coaching to help you with your specific case in improving your daygame.

All around, he is a man that has plenty of experience in the dating market internationally and has applied that knowledge to create new and successful ways to meet women in the modern dating market.

More recently, this includes his methods of using Instagram game to meet women online and retain women in his dating life.

And fortunately for you, it is possible to learn all the methods that Vinny has used from his Instagram Game to meet women in his new course — Instagram Game Mastery

What Instagram Game Mastery Offers

After purchasing the course, you will have a username and password to sign into it whenever you want

Upon logging in, you will see that the course has several videos for you to learn from

The first video is simply a 5 minute introduction that describes the course and also goes into briefly explaining what game and Instagram game is.

The rest of the course is divided into 3 different parts.

With the first part, Vinny covers the following crucial pieces of information in Part 1:

  1. 1The four essential qualities for improving for your Instagram for meeting girls
  2. 2Specific types of photos to have in your Instagram
  3. 3Insight into if you should post more personal photos or not onto your Instagram
  4. 4How to have the right thumbnail for your Instagram
  5. 5Explanation of how many followers is the right amount to have
  6. 6Discusses the dynamic between follower count and follower engagement rates
  7. 7Dealing with girls with certain amounts of follower amounts
  8. 8How to increase your follower count
  9. 9How to make the best bio
  10. 10 Amazing insight on making the best photo album for your Instagram
  11. 11 Addresses self promotion
  12. 12 Goes into detail on the right color scheme for your photo album
  13. 13Gives good recommendation on what additional app to use for taking high quality photos
  14. 14Explains how women will likely view your Instagram album and what that implies for how to best set up your Instagram album
  15. 15Discusses the use of cliché photos and also how to address old and personal photos you posted a long time ago
  16. 16 Strategies for taking the best photos
  17. 17 Goes into detail on the “good boy bad boy balance” for your Instagram album
  18. 18 Explains some of the differences in how women behave on Instagram by different regions like South America, North America or Eastern Europe specifically
  19. 19 Explains the “Stacking Effect” when it comes to taking a photo
  20. 20Explains how many photos to have and the frequency at which you should post new photos
  21. 21 Discusses how you should engage the people that follow you
  22. 22 Analyzes how to use Instagram Stories to your advantage for engaging women
  23. 23 Goes into detail on story highlights and IGTV
  24. 24 Explains the proper amount of hashtags to use
  25. 25Has a list of essential “Instagram Commandments” to help you remember the fundamental lessons to take away from all of this
  26. 26Comes with a list of specific types of photos to take on specific days of the month to help you know exactly what type of photos to post when getting started
  27. 27 Has some additional life advice in the end to follow that will also help your Instagram game

Now that is quite a bit of information in just the first video.

But the learning doesn’t stop there!

Afterwards, you will be able to learn about the following topics in Part 2:

  1. 1Describes how Instagram game is similar to marketing
  2. 2 How to get female traffic to your Instagram
  3. 3Incorporating the use of Instagram with daygame, social game, night game, online game and more
  4. 4Reveals the “Instagram Daygame” approach that is unique and no other dating coach that I know of offers
  5. 5How to handle if she says that she “has a boyfriend”
  6. 6Understanding how to deal with women that are under the categories of yes, maybe and no
  7. 7How to meet women using daygame and the different types of daygame that exist
  8. 8Identifying IOIs
  9. 9Tips on how to warm yourself up before doing any daygame
  10. 10Explaining how and where to find the specific demographic of women that you are most interested in
  11. 11How to deal with girls in different types of groups and girls that are alone
  12. 12The types of conversations to have when approaching a girl
  13. 13Tips on how to make sure she follows you on Instagram and that it isn’t just you following her
  14. 14Explains the type of message you should send her when messaging her on Instagram for the first time
  15. 15Goes into detail on the right type of body language for approaching and daygame
  16. 16Explains the different ways to find women on Instagram and to get them to follow you
  17. 17Describes the ideal type of girl to go after
  18. 18Explains the best way to first message the chicks you meet on Instagram specifically
  19. 19Analyzes the “power balance” that can exist between you and a woman on Instagram and how to make sure it tilts into your favor
  20. 20Explains the best way to handle a situation when a girl doesn’t reply to your messages and how to best get her to in the future
  21. 21Describes the best way to interact with her Instagram stories and photos
  22. 22Goes into detail on how to transition from Instagram into getting her number and setting up a date
  23. 23Gives solid recommendations on the exact types of dates you should take a woman out on once you got her number

At this point, you will have covered what most of the Instagram Game Mastery course is offering. 

Finally, we move onto the last part of the course that also has fundamental information to learn from.

In the third video, the course covers the following topics in Part 3:

  1. 1The best way to integrate the date into your lifestyle
  2. 2How to engage lurkers
  3. 3Goes into detail on the proper pace at which you should engage with her on Instagram and transitioning that into getting her phone number and a date
  4. 4Gives a great tip on how cooking can be used to have dating success with women on Instagram
  5. 5Explains niche game
  6. 6The best way to respond if she doesn’t respond to your messages
  7. 7How to bounce back and forth between Instagram and Whatsapp if a girl things become difficult with a specific woman
  8. 8Discusses social media hygiene and how to use Instagram in a more healthy manner when also using it to meet women
  9. 9Explains specifically which posts of hers would be ideal to react to for starting a conversation
  10. 10 Other miscellaneous advice for having the best success in Instagram game

Overall, you learn quite a bit of information in a course that is exactly 4 hours, 9 minutes and 2 seconds long.

With all this information condensed into roughly 4 hours, you know that the information here is concise and to the point without wasting any of your time. It is by far the most concise and detailed course on using Instagram to meet women anywhere online.

And for those who simply scrolled through all of that crucial information on what this course offers…

Here’s a little…

TLDR of What Instagram Game Mastery Offers

In short, it teaches you the best way to design your Instagram profile and the best ways to use it to

  • Meet women on Instagram
  • How to integrate daygame with Instagram game to get women from the day to follow you
  • Retain and improve the interest of the women that follow you on Instagram
  • How to ultimately get dates with the women that follow you on Instragram

And once you know all of that, you can then get to dating plenty of women for either something serious or something casual.

If that interests you, then click the button below to join this course and improve your dating life!

Ready to Meet Hot Girls Online? Click Here to Join the Course!

Is this Course Legitimate?

The short answer is yes

But there are 5 reasons for why this course is legitimate and let’s break them down.

First, according to a statement in this online course, Vinny has more than 5 years of experience using Instagram to meet and date women. That is plenty of experience to know how to best utilize Instagram for this purpose and is more than anyone I know in real life or online.

Second, Vinny suggests how to use Instagram game with other forms of game like daygame, social game and night game. Any real expert on game would understand how to use different forms of game together to meet women. Given that Vinny understands this and explains how to mix Instagram game with other forms of game reveals his deeper understanding of this topic.

Third, he has screenshots of his conversations with the women that he met and retained with Instagram. This alone adds a lot more legitimacy to the fact that he knows what he is talking about.

Fourth, he has a blog that contains a bunch of useful information on dating and using Instagram and again shows how deep his knowledge is.

Fifth, a lot of the information Vinny provided in this course was aligned with my own understanding and experiences of dating and using Instagram to meet women. Because of that, I feel confident that the information in this course will help anyone increase their chances of success and that Vinny is a true expert in this subject.

Ready to Meet Hot Girls Online? Click Here to Join the Course!

The Positives of Instagram Game Mastery

Now having covered everything that you are going to learn in this course, let’s cover some of the positives of what this has to offer and reasons for why you should purchase it.

Positive 1: Most Detailed & Concise Instagram Dating Course Anywhere

When you look for online dating advice for Instagram, you are not going to find a lot of information outside of what Vinny on IG Casanova offers

While there is some information, none of it appears to be as well detailed and concise as this course is. It offers everything you will ever need to know for how to create your Instagram, use it to meet and retain women, get them into dates and how to use Instagram with other forms of game.

And thankfully, the course covers everything described in this article in only 4 hours while other dating coaches would possibly make this course out into 10 hours or more just to make it seem more impressive.

So by having it concise, it will be easier to learn from this course also and understand the main lessons to take away so you can have the best success with using Instagram to meet women.

Positive 2: The Instagram Daygame Model

This is a new model of game that Vinny invented to best integrate daygame with Instagram to have the best success.

His refined approach here is fitting for the modern dating scene that we are in to make sure you have the best dating success.

With this approach, you will be ahead of most men out there in the dating market as you will have the best understanding of how to integrate Instagram with daygame to meet women.

Also, he gives crucial insight into how to integrate Instagram with nightlife game and social game also to help you be even more prepared.

Positive 3: Helps You Integrate Instagram Game with Limited Schedule

Understandably, not everyone has endless amounts of time to use social media to meet women and go on dates.

We all work and have our own lives outside of dating so some might wonder if they even have time to use Instagram to meet and retain women.

The answer is yes and this course will teach you how to efficiently use Instagram in a time efficient manner so that you only need to use it for 10 to 20 minutes per day. This is all part of what Vinny calls “social media hygiene” and making sure you are using Instagram in a healthy and time efficient manner to meet and retain women.

Positive 4: Has a Specific Post Blueprint

For those who have no idea on what they would post to their Instagram, this online course has a very specific blueprint for you to follow that is included within the course.

Essentially, this blueprint tells you the following for what type of posts to publish:

  • What specific posts to publish on every day of the month
  • If your posts should have more of a good boy or bad boy vibe
  • If your photo should include a girl or include a group
  • Tells you when each photo should be a selfie or not
  • Finally, it lets you know what the intended outcome of each post on each specific day should be

With a blueprint like this, you will be ready to make the best Instagram photo album that you can make to attract the highest quality women out there.

Positive 5: Brings Benefits Outside of Dating 

There are numerous benefits that come with this course outside of dating – some of which could even help you earn back the money you spend on the course.

With an Instagram profile that is professionally made, you can use it to create a strong first impression on other people you meet. This could mean new friends, colleagues or other people of interest that you meet in life.

On top of all of that, the professional Instagram profile that you can create with this course can also be monetized. For example, you can create a social media brand that gets plenty of followers and use that to promote products or sponsored posts even if your Instagram profile is good enough.

And with all the success you can have using your Instagram profile for dating and non-dating purposes, that can help improve your confidence and mentality in life in general.

Positive 6: The Instagram Game Commandments

Given the wide variety of things you will be learning in this course, it is understandable if you are concerned about being able to know what the key points you should learn.

Fortunately, this course has the 13 Instagram Game Commandments. This will give you a very concrete idea of what the main lessons to take away from this course should be.

Positive 7: Helpful for Those with Zero Social Media Experience

Let’s say you had absolutely zero experience with social media and you didn’t even know what Instagram was.

Even if that was the case, this course would still be very useful in that it guides you step by step from the moment you have an Instagram account to setting up the dates with the women you meet with online.

For that reason, anybody, regardless of social media experience, can use this course to meet women and go on dates. It is very easy to learn from this course as it guides you along the whole process of using Instagram for dating success.

Positive 8: Teaches Daygame

Though this course isn’t specifically meant to teach you daygame, it does have some fundamental pieces of information for being able to do daygame.

Therefore, you are getting incredible knowledge on also how to meet women during the day and getting their contact information for a date later.

This alone will improve your dating ability greatly as daygame is crucial to being ahead of the competition and meeting plenty of amazing women.

Positive 9: Provides Real World Examples

This course isn’t based on a bunch of abstract theory from the academic Ivory Tower.

Instead, it has real world examples of how Instagram can be used to meet and message women to set up dates later with them. Vinny provides plenty of screenshots that show exactly what he says to women from different countries around the world.

Therefore, not only do you know that this content works but also the real world examples he provides will give you a better idea of what to say to women in Instagram.

This will ideally make it easier for you to begin using Instagram to meet women.

Positive 10: Easy to Learn if Limited on Time

If you are limited on time to take this 4 hour course, you still don’t need to worry!

Fortunately, this course comes with a sped up version that allows you to learn all the material in roughly 2 hours and 30 minutes.

All around very accommodating for those with busy schedules.

Positive 11: Insight into Other Regions

Given that Vinny has traveled around the world, he has experience in the dating market in regions like Eastern Europe to South America.

Therefore, some of the advice he gives in his course is also very specific to certain regions as to how women respond and behave on Instagram by which part of the world they live in.

For those interested in traveling to countries like Colombia, some of this additional insight will be useful. It also makes this course stand out among any other information out there as I have not seen anyone else talk about using Instagram to date women in other countries.

Positive 12: Will Learn from a Real Expert

Given the amount of years that Vinny has put into Instagram dating, you will be learning the best and more relevant information from one of the best experts on Instagram dating.

There are very few other people I can find online who go into such great detail on this subject and who also have years of experience to talk about.

So by choosing this course, you will be choosing to learn from one of the best in this type of online game.

Positive 13: Will be Above the Competition

Over the years of dating, I have rarely ever met another person who uses Instagram to meet and retain women.

Now they do exist but it isn’t as common as you think. When it comes to online dating, most people think Tinder, Badoo or something else.

However, Tinder really is not the best tool to meet women online.

Given the lack of competition on Instagram to meet women and given the amount of knowledge you will find in this course, you will be way above the male competition in the dating market.

Positive 14: Very Responsive

In my experience interacting with Vinny, he tends to be very responsive to any emails in general. If you purchase his course, he will provide strong answers if you ever have any confusion while taking the course.

All around that will help you in the process of learning how to use Instagram to meet women and making sure you implement his advice properly.

Keep in mind not all dating coaches online are very responsive so having someone who cares about your success and is attentive to it is crucial.

Positive 15: Great Price

For everything the course has to offer, it comes at a great price that is very reasonable compared to the benefits it will bring to your life.

Think of it like this – how many men do you know go on dates with women and end up spending $30 USD or more per date for dinner or whatever else?

Given this course currently costs $199 USD as of this writing, it is a great deal. It will teach you how to more effectively get dates that are successful for getting what you want without having to spend more than a few bucks on a cup of coffee or a drink.

In the long run, that means more dating success and saving money from all the money that men waste on dates that don’t get anywhere.

Ready to Meet Hot Girls Online? Click Here to Join the Course!

Negatives of Instagram Game Mastery

Though overall this course is the best product on the market for meeting and retaining women on Instagram for dates, it does have some minor flaws to be mentioned. Let’s break them down real quick for you all.

Negative 1: Limited Information on the Actual Dates

While this course does have some information on how to set up dates and gives some ideas for the dates themselves, it doesn’t offer much beyond that.

This course will not teach you how to escalate physically and romantically with the women on the dates themselves to achieve what you are really hoping for.

In that end, this course is better suited for meeting women, getting their contact information and setting up the dates. For anything beyond that, you might want to consider having some general consultation with Vinny for an additional fee.

Or you can check out any of my dating information that I have on my website for how to have the best date with a woman for when you are looking for something casual or something serious.

Negative 2: Presentation is a Little Bit Dry

While the information in this course is solid and the best information you can find online for Instagram dating, it is also presented in a bit of a dry manner.

It’s not going to be the most exciting presentation but the information is still high quality.

Negative 3: Not Applicable Everywhere Outside the US

Having spent quite a while in Latin America, I would argue that using “Instagram Game” would not be very applicable in quite a few areas.

While you will find women in even very small towns in Colombia that have Instagram, it is simply less common than the amount of women who use Instagram in small towns in the US.

And the same could be said for other Latin American countries. In my experience, it really depends on how developed or rich the country is. In places like Argentina or Chile for example, you could expect more Instagram use even in places that are not very touristy.

Though in countries like Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Paraguay and more, I’d argue that finding plenty of chicks with an active Instagram is going to be much harder outside the touristy and more urban areas.

And though I have limited experience in Eastern Europe and no experience anywhere in Asia, I would not be surprised if this was true for those regions as well.

Though all of this might not be a real negative for you if you don’t plan on leaving your home country to date women abroad or if you plan on sticking to the more urban and touristy areas of countries like Colombia.

Because while you can find chicks mostly anywhere in Colombia that have Instagram, your best bets for Instagram game to be useful will be in places like Bogota, Barranquilla, Cali, Medellin, Cartagena, etc

At any rate, consider this point if you ever plan on visiting areas that are really off the tourist trail in Latin America or elsewhere.

Tips for Using Instagram Game Mastery

Now if you are convinced that you would like to purchase Instagram Dating Mastery, here are some quick tips to help you have more success when applying the tips from this course.

Tip 1: Remember Self-Improvement 

You could have the best Instagram out of all the men out there but if you don’t have anything to offer to women, you won’t have very successful dates.

Simply put, you can’t hide behind Instagram and use it to make you seem something you are not.

When you are on a date, women will evaluate you in person to see if you really are the high quality male you try to present yourself as being on Instagram.

So while Instagram can help you give a good first impression and show value to women who see your profile, you need to make sure there is actual substance there to the person that you are.

This doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect or anything but just that you are going somewhere in life and work on improving yourself.

So for example you could work out, learn to earn extra money to be more financially successful, improve your social skills and much more.

If you happen to be traveling to Latin America, learning Spanish would be very useful in self-improvement.

Overall, by improving yourself, you will not only have more material to post to Instagram (such as photos of you traveling or working out) but you will be a higher quality man that women will desire in real life.

And keep in mind dating isn’t the only important aspect of your life. So by improving yourself, you will see benefits outside of those related to dating, such as improved health, finances, self-esteem and more.

Just always remember to focus on self-improvement and finding your purpose in life.

Tip 2: Create a Separate Instagram Account

This was briefly mentioned in the Instagram course offered by Vinny and I believe it should be mentioned here also.

If you are going to use his course, I would recommend you create a separate Instagram account for the women you will be working with to get dates for.

For example, you might want to post personal photos to your Instagram. However, if these photos are not useful for giving a good impression to women, then it might not be a good idea.

Additionally, I prefer keeping my private life separate from the women that I meet for casual dating. Just a preference of mind that I find works for me and others I know. Having a separate Instagram account will help you in achieving that.

Tip 3: Instagram when Traveling 

As mentioned before, using Instagram as a way to meet and date women will work best in either more developed countries like the US or Canada or the more touristy and urban centers of lesser developed countries.

So for Colombia, some of the cities that come to mind are Cali, Barranquilla, Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena and more.

Of course, you can find women using Instagram in less popular cities in Colombia but the numbers will be lower so it will not be as effective in my opinion.

The only benefit to using Instagram in those lesser touristy areas is that the women will likely be more impressed by the fact that you are a foreigner going to her city than the women in places like Medellin.

So while there are benefits to using Instagram in places less touristy and urban in Latin America, there are also drawbacks as mentioned here. Just keep all of that in mind.

Tip 4: Avoid Attention Seeking Women

Out of my time using Instagram, I have seen countless dudes that post comments on the photos that girls post with endless amounts of compliments.

In the end, they all look a bit desperate and most of them are not likely getting anything out of the time and attention they give these women.

In short, don’t waste time giving too much attention to any particular woman on Instagram – especially if she is simply trying to use you for attention and not give any interest back.

Tip 5: Apply Outside of Dating

Finally, keep in mind that you can use a lot of the advice in this course to building an Instagram that benefits you beyond dating.

As making a first good impression on anyone, not just women, is crucial. So by having a strong Instagram that presents you in the best possible light, you can use it like a business card in a way by providing it to other important people you meet in life.

The Final Verdict — Is This Course Worth the Money?

In short, it should be asked “who should buy this course” and “who shouldn’t.”

Now you should buy this Instagram Game Mastery course, if:

  1. 1You want to meet a special woman to be in a serious relationship with.
  2. 2You want to meet a variety of women to have more casual fun with.
  3. 3Want to have more confidence in the dating scene.
  4. 4To improve your social skills as you will be meeting plenty of new people.
  5. 5Learn how to make your Instagram a tool to present to anyone (not just women) so that they can get the best first impression of you.
  6. 6To aid your daygame skills with his Instagram Daygame Model.
  7. 7To help you have dating success abroad in other countries.
  8. 8Want to learn how to set up dates that will help you avoid wasting money in the long term.
  9. 9Learn how to apply social media hygiene so that you don’t waste time on social media any longer.
  10. 10Improve the quality of your life beyond dating with some of the miscellaneous life tips he provides in the course and from the benefits of more social confidence.

However, this course is not for everyone and it might not even be for you. 

Though there are many benefits to taking this course within dating and also outside dating as emhasized before..

It is in my opinion that you should not buy this course if:

  1. 1You are not interested in expanding your dating approach with online tools.
  2. 2Are not clear on what you want out of dating when it comes to something serious or more casual encounters.
  3. 3Would like to avoid using any form of social media all together.

In the end, I see this course as a valuable resource that not only will provide crucial knowledge for improving your dating life but also the quality of your life in general with all the advice it provides.

Therefore, I do believe that most people can benefit from this course and that it is absolutely worth every dollar.

Now if you would like to purchase this course, head on over to purchase it now with this button here or the button on the bottom of this article.

And do it now as there is a limited time offer on the current price tag of 199 USD. It is a bargain for what the course offers and is worth every dollar. You’ll want to make sure you enjoy this limited time offer on the price before it goes up any moment.

Finally, if you have any questions for me, send me an email here and I can answer them. If you have any questions for Vinny (IG Casanova), click this link here to reach his contact page.

Thanks for reading and take care!                                                                     

Hasta luego parceros,


Ready to Meet Hot Girls Online? Click Here to Join the Course!

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(2) comments

christian February 6, 2020

Great info. thx!

Sebastian February 6, 2020

I’m glad that you just shared this info with us. Thanks for sharing.

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