15 Ideal Qualities in a Colombian Woman

If you are going to Colombia because you want to meet the ideal woman that you can settle down with, you are going to need to know what ideal qualities in a Colombian woman to look for

After all, with all the women that are out there, how do you know which ones are ideal for marriage?

And which ones are definitely not worth your time?

Well, this is a topic that could really be turned into a book by itself

But for simplicity sake, we will cover some of the ideal qualities in a Colombian woman that you should look for

Most of these qualities you could check to see if they exist in her in some way or another on the first date but others might require some extra time

So let’s break them down some of the ideal qualities in a Colombian woman to look for

1: Treats Others With Respect

You are on a date with a Colombian woman and she is treating you very nicely and is warm and friendly

Than the waiter comes to check up on you two

And she snaps at the guy and is acting very rude

Now imagine yourself with her in 10 years

That is exactly how she is going to treat you when the honeymoon is over

The reality is that women in general often show their true colors by how they treat very normal people like a waiter at a restaurant

And on top of that, Colombian women have a reputation for being a bit classist so her attitude against the waiter might be built on some degree of classism she has

Which, if she is overly classist and rude to others based on who they are, then that is a major red flag

If she fails to respect other people, then how will she respect you in the long run?

2: Enjoys Being Feminine

In the modern world, we have women these days saying that they are “as strong as a man”

Among other similar statements

Well, if she is like a man in many ways, I would ask – do you want to date her?

After all, if you were looking to date someone masculine, wouldn’t you do so?

And if you are looking for someone more feminine, wouldn’t you be looking for that in a partner?

The reality is that men and women do have standards that they uphold in what type of partner they want in life and much of those standards are based along understanding of masculinity and femininity

So an ideal Colombian woman is one who engages her femininity and is not afraid to show it

Because she is not trying to be like a man and enjoys being a high quality woman

So she might dress nicely on the date in a nice dress and makeup

Or she might offer to cook you a nice meal on the date

Whatever it may be – a high quality woman will enjoy being feminine and show that to you

3: In Agreement on Living Within Means

One of the biggest reasons for divorce in the world is financial issues

And one way to avoid having financial issues is first to be in agreement before marriage regarding how you two should live life together

What kind of house is a good house for example

Is it ever OK to take out loans for something you don’t need to – such as taking out a loan for 20K vehicle when you could buy a cheaper one that works at 3K

In short, you want to make sure she is also living in her means and is the type of person who is not materialist or classist

While it is not difficult to find a woman in Colombia who enjoys being feminine, it is more difficult, though not impossible, to find a woman who is not materialist or classist

And you have to keep that in mind when looking for a high quality woman in Colombia

To do your best in avoiding the materialist or classist women out there

And go for one who can live within her means and is in agreement with you on how to live a happy life together financially when married

4: She Honors Her Word

Imagine this crazy scenario – you are sick and dying

The doctor says you can’t work for sometime because of a really bad medical condition that will last for 2 months

And in that month, your Colombian wife leaves you because “you have changed” or some other BS like that

She can’t handle seeing you sick and all the stress that it causes

She doesn’t like how you are not bringing in money anymore and has to live spending less money these few months

And she decides she can do better and leaves you

Not exactly honoring her word of “until death do us part”

The reality is that marriage is when you agree to be with someone you love and trust for your whole life

And you need to trust her absolutely

Without trust, there is no relationship

And how can you trust her if she is the type of person who is not trustworthy and doesn’t keep up with her word?

5: Loving when Sick

Very similar to the last point but deserves to be mentioned as its own point

Because we are not just talking about serious medical conditions

In life, we all get sick eventually from something minor

A cold for example

And it is ideal to have a woman in life who will help you get better and give you all the love you need in those times that you are sick

ideal qualities in a colombian woman

6: In Agreement on Kids

Another point of tension within marriage is children

Before you marry a Colombian woman, you need to make sure you two are in agreement on how many kids you both want, when you two are going to have them and how you two will raise them

So often people get married without having a real and nuanced discussion on this crucial topic

And so you should make sure you do as you spend more time with her

7: Respects Boundaries & Not Too Jealous

This is another issue that has often been associated with Colombian women

That they are very jealous and do not respect boundaries as much when it comes to checking up on you to know if you are still faithful or not

While it is important to understand where she is coming from and to make her feel comfortable enough to trust you, you also have to insist that she do her part to trust you as well

And not be so jealous and overly concerned about potential cheating

Because if every little thing you do independently is a possible sign of cheating to her, then she will never trust you and will always be jealous of something

And that creates a lot of tension and inability for the relationship to work

So make sure you pick the right Colombian woman who is not overly jealous and can learn to trust you and respect boundaries

8: Number of Sex Partners

You are going to want to make sure that your Colombian woman has not had too many sex partners in life before you

For multiple reasons – her ability to bond with you is less as she has more partners, there is a greater chance she will cheat on you and a greater chance the marriage will not work out in the end

Now keep in mind a lot of women do lie about the amount of partners they have had in life

They might not count the guys who didn’t penetrate her pussy and only had oral or anal sex with

Or however else she does it

She will end up often enough not being entirely truthful about it because all women are conscious of the fact that they are perceived as lower quality for the amount of partners they have

So like anything else when determining if she is a high quality woman, you will want to make an educated guess based on the information you know about her to have a rough idea of how much she slept around before you

9: Never Unfaithful in Past

This one doesn’t require much explanation

If she ever cheated on a partner in the past or ever on you, it’s time to dump her

It doesn’t matter if you think she can change

Don’t try to do mental gymnastics to somehow convince yourself that she is different

She isn’t

And even if she is, it’s not worth the risk because she is more likely to cheat on you

On top of that, how can you ever trust a woman who has done that to someone?

And without trust, there is no relationship

Much better to find someone who has never been unfaithful – it’s much easier to have a successful marriage with someone like that

10: Easy Going

This one is quite “easy” to explain also

In short, you don’t want someone who is going to be stressed out all the time

I remember way back when I was living in the US still so many years ago

And I saw a couple at Walmart where there was a husband and wife

And the wife was yelling at the husband to “hurry up” and so many other things

Everything she said was in a yell and she was always stressed out

No respect for the guy and she was always making a scene that afternoon from what I saw

That is not the type of woman you want

You want one who is not high stressed but instead one who is easy going

Because that will be easier to get along with and make a marriage work

11: Good Relationship with Father

Women who have bad relationships with their fathers tend not to respect men as much

And if she can’t even respect her father, how is she going to respect you ever?

Especially in a country like Colombia where things are more traditional and conservative

12: Family is Strong & She Wants to Show You Them

As written about elsewhere in this website, families are much more important in Colombia than they are in the US

They have much more influence on your relationship and will be more involved

So you want to make sure her family is strong and that they are a good influence

That she doesn’t have any relatives who will bring drama into your life

Because if you marry her, you are also marrying her family

And on top of that, you want her to show you her family

So you can first see that they are a good family

And also because a good high quality woman in Colombia will want to introduce you to her family

If she doesn’t, it means she is a low quality woman – as written about in another article when it comes to understanding the importance of meeting her family

So when you are about to meet her family, make sure to dress up well for the first impression with a decent shirt like this one and some nice shoes such as these

13: Friends Are Good Influences

Similar to her family, her friends are also influences n herlife.

Basically, if she has mostly guy friends in her life and not a whole lot of female friends, then it’s more likely that she isn’t thefaithful type

It’s more likely that she enjoys sleeping around a bit from my experience

Also, she might have female friends who are negative influences in that they sleep around a lot or don’t think cheating is as a bad thing as others think it is

So you want to make sure she has good friends

Because if she doesn’t, it’s likely that her friends will influence her in a negative way and make it less likely that the relationship and marriage can work long term

14: Aspirations in Life

Furthermore, you want to make sure she has aspirations in life

Now, that could mean being a stay at home mom

Or it could mean being a teacher

I don’t care either way

Just as long as she works hard to be the best stay at home mom or best teacher there ever was

Because in Colombia, there are plenty of women out there who just stay at home with their parents until their mid or even late 20s

And they never work or study

They just want a man to take care of them while they mess around with other guys who are in her area of the city

Just make sure to avoid those chicks and go for the ones who have aspirations in life of some kind

15: You Two Connect

This is by far one of the most important points on this list. That you two simply connect

That you two get each other on some level

There isn’t much of a way for me to describe it even though I have come across women like this multiple times in my life

You will simply know if you two connect or not

And if you do – you have a much better chance at your marriage working

Because every moment with her will be something you look forward to and you will love every bit of it

She will be someone that you can truly feel comfortable with and can trust and respect

And she will treat you like that in return

Which all that together really makes a marriage much more stable, healthy and enjoyable for both people

ideal qualities in a colombian woman


Of course, there are other ideal qualities in a Colombian woman that you should look for

But these are just some of the highlights of the ideal qualities in a Colombian woman

Finally, if you wish to find a loving and high quality Colombian woman to settle down with, I’d recommend Dream Connections as a great company to find a feminine and loyal Colombian wife

If you want to learn more about how to find a high quality woman in Colombia, check out the other articles on this website

If you have any questions or insight of your own about ideal qualities in a Colombian woman, let me know in the comment section. Thanks and take care!

Hasta luego parceros,


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(5) comments

Marcus Robinson January 11, 2021

Hey man I am a huge huge fan of your blogs, youre def a legend of this shit. I will be flying to Bogota in 3 days from Sao Paulo. This will be my 3rd time visiting Colombia, but I am doing a 6 month country-wide tour through Colombia to hit many of the cities on your guides. If you are still in Colombia, which city are you in? i’d love to buy you a beer sometime bro. Plus i was gonna say it seems like you’ve got some badass PUA skills & insight. Have you considered running a Colombian PUA bootcamp? I know you could dominate that shit, hands down. You’ve got so much Colombia Pick Up knowledge and you’re very good at articulating it

    admin January 12, 2021

    Thanks again for the comment. What cities are you traveling to? Would be interesting to see if the nightlife sections of the guides are still accurate or not given that Covid lockdown has killed plenty of bars I imagine. I

    f I was you, I’d probably stay in Brazil personally because I’ve heard Covid restrictions are not as tight there. In Bogota, it can be a bit tight.

    However, from someone I know, I heard the Caribbean Coast is fairly relaxed when it comes to restrictions. I feel you wouldn’t like Bogota so much right now. I’m not currently in Bogota.

    I heard Bogota just went into another lockdown. I’d personally avoid Bogota and go elsewhere like Cali, Barranquilla or Santa Marta.

    Right now I’m currently in Mexico as I decided to travel around Latin America.

    Thanks for the tip on the bootcamp idea. I’d avoid doing that actually. There was some Canadian dude a while back who decided to run a bootcamp in Colombia and he had to leave the country because he got so much bad attention from the media, government and activists.

    If I remember right,, the government started looking into if the guy was paying taxes or not on his bootcamp and so that is why he left or that is how I remember the story anyway.

    Anyway, have a good time in Colombia and let me know how it goes. You can always reach out by email anytime. I tend to respond a little bit better by email than by comments since I have been busy with other projects and traveling and that has kept me from updating this blog for a tiny bit.

Martin February 17, 2020

cool stuff here

Nathan February 12, 2020

Some really nice info on this website. can i send you an email for follow up questions bro?

    admin February 18, 2020

    sure man. anytime 🙂

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