10 Beginner Tips for Starting Your Journey Dating Colombianas

Visiting this website, I assume you are interested in dating Colombian women.

Now we all have different goals when it comes to dating women in this beautiful country.

Some of you are just looking for hookups. And of those who want hookups, some of you are interested in living down here while others only want to visit Colombia from time to time.

While others want to meet a nice Colombian woman to settle down with.

Whatever your goals are, this article is meant to lay down the basics of what you need to know regarding the best way to start your journey to Colombia step by step

So that you will be ready to maximize your time here and get the most benefit that you can out of the dating scene here.

So let’s get this started with the fundamentals.

Getting the Basic Fundamentals Done

To have the best success dating women in general, you need to have various things in your life in order before you step foot in this country. We will be breaking these fundamentals down by the following areas:

  • Social Media
  • Spanish
  • Physical Health
  • Money
  • Dancing Ability
  • Research the Cities
  • Residency or Tourist
  • Family & Friends Issue
  • Meeting Girls Online Before Your Trip
  • Last Minute Preparation

Let’s break them down one by one.

First Beginner Tip: Social Media

Now there are basically two important tools here that you can use to have the most success dating Colombian women – Whatsapp and Instagram

Now what is Whatsapp?

This is basically a messenger app that you can upload into your phone. The reason for why you need it is because most Colombian women have Whatsapp in their phone.

And it will be the main way they prefer to communicate with you.

On top of that, Whatsapp has other benefits.

Before you even step foot in Colombia, you can use Whatsapp to communicate with these women internationally or domestically when in Colombia.

And it’s free

With this app, you can make calls, video calls, send texts, voice messages and photos with each other

Which also means you can escalate with women and get sexual with them before even seeing them in person if you are good getting them to that point

So by having this tool, you can have Colombian women interested in meeting you and perhaps even sleeping with you before getting here

Additionally, Whatsapp also has a “story” feature where you can share for 24 hours a picture that illustrates your life.

For the women you add to your phone (which will be discussed in another article), then they can see aspects of your life in this way.

Which overall can be useful for maintaining their interest in you

Additionally, you have Instagram. Now this can be a useful tool for meeting and dating Colombian women

There are plenty of Colombian women that use Instagram – especially in bigger cities like Medellin or Bogota

And the thing is there are even fewer men using Instagram in Colombia than in the US for meeting and getting laid with women

In large part because that concept isn’t as well known down here yet — though that might change in the future

Either way, the idea is simple – you make the best Instagram account you can and use it meet women on Instagram and retain the interest of those who follow you

With that, you can have Colombian women following you before you even step foot in Colombia if you know how to use Instagram properly

It can be an additional tool overall for meeting and getting laid with Colombian women – similar to Colombian Cupid or Tinder

Now how should you use Instagram properly to get that result? Check out my other articles on using Instagram on this website that recommends a useful online service that can teach you how to use Instagram when dating women

If you get it right, your chances of success dating Colombian women will be even higher and you will be more prepared for your trip to this amazing country

Second Beginner Tip: Spanish

It’s no surprise that you are going to need to learn Spanish to have the best chances of success with Colombian women.

Simply put that not speaking Spanish greatly limits the amount of Colombian women that you can speak to.

On top of that, knowing Spanish can be impressive to women and make them more interested in you.

So get on top of it and learn Spanish to at least a conversational level.

Now thankfully, I have plenty of articles on this website for how to learn Spanish easily and without having to spend much money doing it.

Just check out the following articles I wrote to get started:

Third Beginner Tip: Physical Health

Don’t think that just being a foreigner is going to get you all the women in Colombia.

You have to be a desirable man that women want to sleep with. So one way to do that is by improving your physical health.

By working out regularly, you are increasing the chances that you will have success down here in Colombia in the dating scene.

It’s an obvious tip but one that needs to be mentioned because too many guys think they can have success without putting in the hard work.

There is no free lunch – not even in Colombia.

Fourth Beginner Tip: Money

To spend time in Colombia, you obviously need your money in order.

This was a rule that I didn’t follow very well in my first years in Colombia and it kicked my butt hard and made it harder to enjoy dating the women here.

Basically, I showed up to Colombia with just a few thousand in the bank and not many promising job opportunities.

Soon enough, I was running out of money and scrambling to make things work financially.

Because in my first year of living in Colombia in 2008 after college, I basically spent most of my time having fun with the women and not enough time getting serious.

And I’ll be honest – it was a very fun year

But that fun year came at a price – a few years of ass kicking as I had to get my finances in order and grow up.

And that took a big hit to my dating life as I was no longer spending so much time meeting women and much more time building an online income.

Or finding other ways to make money come in so that my finances were in order.

And once they got in order after some years, I was able to really enjoy the dating scene here while not being stressed about money.

So here’s my advice on this fundamental – don’t be stupid like I was when I started this. Make sure your money is in order.

Here’s how to do it for….

Finances for a Small Trip

First, save up some money depending on how long you will be in Colombia.

For those who want to only visit Colombia for months at a time, I suggest simply having some savings.

So let’s break that down:

First, you will need at least enough money for a roundtrip ticket. Let’s say that is $700 USD.

Now you need enough money for your trip. Let’s say $1,500 USD per month as a good estimate. That’s a bit more than what I spend per month but $1,500 USD per month for a tourist is fine.

So over 2 months, that would be $3,000 USD.

Of course, this cost will vary heavily depending on how long you are here.

Next, have some emergency funds in case you need it for the trip. Let’s say an extra $1,300 USD.

So in total, your costs for a 2 month trip should be around $5,000 USD more or less.

Now let’s break down these costs for living here.

Finances for Living Here

For starting a new life here, I’d recommend the following.

First, you should have some savings for living costs in case you ever enter a moment where you are not making any money while down here. Let’s say those living costs are for 2 years. I spend about $1,005 USD per month roughly but your costs will vary.

But let’s just assume you spend $1,000 USD per month to live here. Now that is cheaper than the $1,500 USD in the previous section but that’s because you will not be a tourist here living in hotels and will be cooking more.

So for 24 months, that is $24,000 USD.

Now add $5,000 USD in emergency funds that you might need. About $1,000 USD would be fine for this still but let’s add a little more in there for safety.

Then add flight costs for two years with 2 flights per year. If we assume $700 USD per trip, that is $2,800 USD.

So in total, you should ideally have $31,800 USD in the bank. Let’s round that up to $32,000 USD.

On top of that, it is ideal that you have some form of money coming in to you. That could be retirement money or an online income for example.

Ideally it would be $200 USD more than what you spend per month to give you more leg room financially.

So if we assume you will spend $1,000 USD a month, your online income or retirement will bring in $1,200 USD.

Before you set foot in Colombia to live here, ideally you will have that established along with your  $32,000 USD in savings.

The last point here is getting rid of any miscellaneous restraints. These are things that tie you down to the US and make it difficult to live abroad.

So first address the debt. What I mean by this is trying to eliminate any debts you have or at least have a plan for how to address them while living down here.

Second, do you have a house or a car? How are you going to manage those if living abroad? You might want to consider selling them if you are going to live down here.

Or you could keep the house and try to rent it out as extra income.

Once all of that is addressed, you will be financially sound to living down here or at least visiting for a few months per year depending on what you want.

Fifth Beginner Tip: Dancing Ability

This is a very minor fundamental that isn’t as important as the rest but it should be mentioned.

In Colombia, as written about in this article I wrote, dancing can be quite important culturally.

Especially in the nightlife down here for when you are trying to date Colombian women.

Now women in Colombia don’t expect you to be an expert at Latin dancing but it can be impressive to them that you know something

And it isn’t hard either to learn the basics of certain Latin dances.

For example, it’s not hard to enjoy reggaeton – it’s a type of music that is much more sexual and doesn’t require any real dancing ability.

Then you have salsa, which is a very popular form of music in Colombia that is a bit harder to dance to.

You also have merengue, cumbia, vallenato, etc

In short, I would recommend you look up on Youtube how to dance to salsa and merengue. If you have the very basics of those two down, you will be good to go.

No woman down here will even expect you to dance to this stuff but it will be impressive like I said.

So get the basics down from what you can find out online and you will have this covered.

Sixth Beginner Tip: Research the Cities

A picture of Medellin

Next, you will need to be ready for your trip to Colombia by actually doing research on the different cities that are out there.

Fortunately, you have all sorts of free information on my website regarding the different types of cities.

I have plenty of city guides and also articles on the best Colombian cities to visit for certain benefits.

But you will want to narrow down which cities are best for you based on the information available online.

Another way to do research is to actually visit Colombia and the cities that you are interested in.

By doing that, you will have a much better idea of which places you like and which ones you don’t.

Even if you are planning on living in Colombia, I’d suggest you spend a little bit of time as a tourist checking out the country

Because you won’t know if you will actually like living here until you spend some time in this country

So get down here for a bit and take occasional trips to Colombia to get that experience and you will have a much better idea of if you like it here and which parts are best for you

This process will also allow you to practice your Spanish better, give your family and friends some exposure to the idea that you might be considering living abroad and will give you more opportunities to make friends with people living here.

With those friends, it will be easier for you to make the big move and live in a completely new country. Because otherwise, you would feel more alone by moving here without knowing anyone yet.

Overall, this will all make the transition into moving to Colombia much easier for you personally.

Seventh Beginner Tip: Residency or Tourist 

When you decide to spend time in Colombia, you will ultimately decide if you only want to be a tourist here or a resident.

There is plenty of information on gaining residency in Colombia if that is the route you take.

For tourists, you will only be given 6 months out of the year to live here.

In either case, you will want to decide how long you will be in Colombia.

Now as stated in the last tip, you probably won’t know that anyway until you spend a few years as a tourist spending a few months here at a time.

That will be the best way in my opinion to get real experience in Colombia and see if this is the right country for you to move to.

Or if you prefer staying as a tourist and only visiting every 6 months (perhaps during the winter)

Eighth Beginner Tip: Family & Friends Issue

As written about in another article, you will likely hear some resistance from family and friends on the idea of traveling to or even living in Colombia.

The reality is that most people associate Colombia with Pablo Escobar and violence everywhere.

Even though it can be dangerous, you can definitely live a safe life here.

And that’s not something everyone understands and never likely will unless they spend time down here seeing what it’s like

So before you ever make a move to live down here, make sure you spend a little bit of time communicating with people close to you about your decision

And also don’t forget plans for visiting them in the future and staying in touch

Ninth Beginner Tip: Meeting Girls Online Before Your Trip

Before your trip to Colombia, make sure to take advantage of the fact that you can meet women online before you get there.

This could be for one of your initial trips getting to know the country or for a bigger trip that involves moving down here.

But basically you can use online tools like Tinder Plus or Colombian Cupid to meet women online.

You meet them online, get their numbers and begin talking to them before you even show up.

All of which I go into detail in the next article that I recommend you read on the bottom of this one.

But in short, doing this will make it more likely that you can start your trip in Colombia running with women already ready to date you.

Tenth Beginner Tip: Last Minute Preparation

Finally, there will be some last minute preparation that you will need to take care of.

Much of it is basic stuff that you would do for any trip abroad.

First, make sure to check the expiration date on your passport and that it doesn’t expire soon (or get a passport in general).

Second, make sure to let your bank know what you will be traveling abroad and when you will be returning next.

Third, get your roundtrip flight purchased. Make sure it is roundtrip because the airline you go with can try to deny you boarding if you don’t have proof that you will be returning to the US. They can be very strict on this.

Fourth, make sure to purchase any useful items for your trip. You can check out my Resources page for recommended items here.

Fifth, if you have a special Colombian girl you met online that really likes you, perhaps have her wait for you at the airport. This is something I would do often when traveling to a new city by having a pretty woman wait for me at the airport of where I am arriving.

It can be a great start to your trip!

Final Thoughts

And with everything in this article established, you should be ready to begin your trip to Colombia and having fun with the Colombianas in this country.

For those who want deeper advice on how to actually go on dates with Colombian women and have success here, check out any of the following two articles

Both guides can help you achieve the results you want depending on which of those two seems more useful for you and where you are in life.

And if you have any questions or insight of your own regarding dating in Colombia or getting the journey started, let me know in the comment section or send me an email.

Thanks for reading and take care!

Hasta luego parceros,


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