Story 22: Colombian Women Disliking Body Hair

Years ago I was living in a city in Colombia named Pereira for quite some time

In Pereira, I met a beautiful Colombian woman named Luciana that I ended up spending quite a bit of time with actually

Which, by the way, I occasionally mentioned her in other stories like this one

Now after the first time we had sex, Luciana and I decided to take a trip to some nearby hot springs called Santa Rosa de Cabal Thermal Springs

When we got there, we saw this beautiful water fall down into some hot springs with lush green scenery all around us

There was also a nearby place where we were able to have a little bit of food too

And we decided to stay at a nearby hotel that was quite nice for the occasion as it was near Easter and things were getting wilder in the area with some of the celebrations

While there, Luciana mentioned to me something that she prefers in guys – no body hair

Now this might seem weird because body hair is natural on a guy

And also it might seem rare to you that a woman would prefer a guy without much body hair

But in Colombia, this is actually a little bit common in that there are more women here than in other countries that have this preference

So with Luciana, she explained ultimately that she would like me to get rid of my body hair if possible

This would include my legs, armpits, arms, chest and near my private area

Now her reasoning for this was because body hair was gross and appeared unclean

In short, for Luciana, this was a grooming preference that she preferred in men

Now ultimately I never got rid of my body hair and it actually caused a small conflict between us

The hot springs we saw

Cultural Differences

Because she was insistent on having me get rid of it and that this is what “men do in her country”

Which, by the way, is often times a lie that a Colombian woman might tell you to convince you that something is normal so that you will do it

It’s the old “in my culture, we do this, so I want you to do it also”

Now while it is true that there are Colombian men that shave their body hair, there are others that don’t either

At any rate, it doesn’t matter to me that she doesn’t like my body hair or if it is more culturally common for men to do this in Colombia either

In the end, I like my hair because it is manlier and shaving my body hair off would feel like something that is too feminine for me to do

So I stood my ground but ultimately the issue went away

And Luciana didn’t cause anymore issues around it – in fact, you could say her respect for me did grow a little a bit afterwards in my opinion

She saw I stood for what I believe in and didn’t change something that I felt comfortable keeping about myself

And when you decide to start dating Colombian women, this might likely be an issue that you will come across also

Over the years of living here, I have met plenty of other foreigners like myself that have come across this issue

And also I have spoken with local Colombian men about it as well

From what I have seen, Colombian men tend to view this as more normal and is something that many of them have come across when dating women here

And many of them (though not all) are comfortable with shaving their body hair off anyway

No big deal to them!

But to the other foreign men I see here, it can be an issue because men from places like the US don’t usually see as necessary to get rid of body hair

So some of them that stick around in long term relationships might end up shaving the body hair if they give in to what their women want

While some of the other ones won’t and keep it. But yet in my entire time here, I’ve never met a Colombian woman that ended up disrespecting or ending a relationship over this issue with a foreign man

And of course, the men who come here for just causal hookups never have this issue because the women don’t really bring it up with men they have casual encounters with

So what are some lessons to be taken away from all of this?

Main Lessons

Ultimately, there are a few main lessons to take away from this story.

First, obviously that this difference regarding acceptance of body hair on men can be a minor point of tension between you as a man and a Colombian woman.

Though as I said before, it’s most likely only going to be a minor point of tension and nothing more.

Second, that you need to expect that there will be cultural differences between you and her that you two are just going to have to accept. You need to tell any Colombian woman this that there are things that come with dating a foreign man that she needs to accept.

In the same way that you might accept a little bit of tardiness from her on a date, she needs to accept that you might have a little bit of body hair.

And she most likely will accept it.

Now what if she doesn’t?

Oh well. She can find someone else to date.

And that’s a lesson about being a man in the dating scene – you have to stay who you are and if a woman can’t accept it, she can move on.

Because from what I have seen, women tend to not respect men as much if you bend over too much for her or don’t ever stand up for what you believe in.

If you do everything she ever asks of you without ever standing up for what you personally believe in, then it is not likely at all she will respect you.

That isn’t to say there isn’t some compromise in relationships from time to time

But ultimately you have to be your own man and let her know how some things are with you

And in the end, she will more likely respect you for it

But more importantly, you will have more respect for yourself in that you don’t sacrifice what you believe in

And without that self-respect, how happy do you think you could be in this relationship? 

Final Thoughts

Hopefully this article provided some useful insight into a minor but sometimes common issue when dating Colombian women.

In the end, it is always better to not compromise on certain things when it comes to dating and you will ultimately have a more enjoyable time dating women doing so.

If you have any insight or questions of your own regarding this topic, let me know in the comment section or send me an email.

After all, you won’t be the first foreigner I have met that has had this issue when dating Colombian women.

Now you probably won’t be the last since it is a minor point of tension that comes up occasionally.

And if you want to read another story with some lessons, check out Story 23 here.

At any rate, thanks for reading and take care!

Hasta luego parceros,


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