Story 2: Prostitutes in Colombia

Have you ever wanted to know more about prostitutes in Colombia?

First, this website will never recommend prostitution when traveling to Colombia

Especially given how sexy and easy Colombian women can be anyway without having to pay for it

Which means that, in my opinion, there is no real point in ever using prostitutes here

Especially given some of the risks associated with prostitutes in Colombia

Just isn’t worth it

Why take the risk when there are plenty of incredibly sexy women who are ready to have fun without charging you for money?

Well, regardless, I’m not going to pretend that prostitution doesn’t exist either.

It’s easy to find if you are looking for it and in one case I accidently stumbled upon it while drunk.

prostitutes in colombia

Which takes me back to my time in Barranquilla.

Back then, I was younger.

Young, broke but adventurous

At the time, I had a friend named Eduardo.

He was a Colombian guy that was around 26 years old and working in customer service for a living

Anyway, we were friends at the time and decided to go out drinking

We lived close to each other and often went to a local tienda (store) that sold beer

Where you could sit outside it and have a few beers and just chat with friends

So anyway we go through about 5 or 6 beers and decide to go to a bar

Taking a taxi, we go to some unknown bar at the time

It was a small and dark place with a ton of people.

And not very touristy either

Don’t remember seeing a single foreigner there

Anyway, we sit down and go through a few beers there too and a couple of shots also.

Eduardo then goes to the bathroom

When a very sexy Colombian chick approaches me

She was hot.  

sexy woman

Not afraid to show skin or anything

We began flirting pretty quickly.

Given how interested in me she was, we exchanged numbers pretty quickly.

After Eduardo comes back, he notices us talking and joins in on the conversation.

Now, keep in mind, this wasn’t the first time that a random chick approached me as a prostitute in Colombia.

One other time a similar incident happened when I was studying in Colombia in my first months there…

And some chick approached me then also when I was with Eduardo. 

It’s not too uncommon anyway for prostitutes to look for clients in bars in Colombia in my experience. 

Anyway, this chick makes it known that she is a prostitute as she literally hands me a business card with her on the card.

Some image of her looking sexy with her number on it and everything. 

Well, I was single at the time…

We all go through a few more beers as the chick left us alone to keep on drinking.

And Eduardo wants to fuck her.

He is more open to fucking prostitutes than I am.

I usually just prefer sticking to Tinder or whatever.

Anyway, the dude decides he is going to call her up with the business card that she gave us.

And I decide to stick it around at this bar we were at. 

As there was this other chick I was talking to that was cute and wasn’t a prostitute.

I figured I might as well give my attention to her and see if I can fuck her for free instead. 

It was either a Friday or Saturday night and Eduardo seems to go off to find this chick as he takes the business card with him outside. 

Anyway, I did end up getting lucky with that chick I told you about but that was it for the night.

Nothing else really memorable for myself.

More so for Eduardo maybe….

Trouble for Eduardo 

Well, the following day came around…

I woke up with the chick that I had slept with and it was time for her to go.

She had to go to some college class or something and we stayed in touch.

What about Eduardo?

Eduardo is big on prostitutes.

He always has tried to get me to come with him to places he knows to fuck some paisa prostitutes.

Paisa meaning chicks from Medellin for those who don’t know.

Women from Medellin, Colombia tend to have a reputation for being the sexiest women of Colombia.

And Barranquilla apparently has some spots for fucking paisa prostitutes’. 

As I would know from Eduardo always telling me that I should stop by one of those spots to fuck them.

“Cmon man, it’s only 50 bucks to fuck them and they are extremely hot. The hottest women you ever see. Perfect bodies. Better than anything on Tinder.” As he would say…

To be fair, Eduardo was right from what I know.

Those prices are not unusual and the chicks he would fuck were literally as hot as you could ever imagine. 

But I’m young and don’t feel the need to chase prostitutes.

Nothing against it personally but I prefer the fun that comes with Tinder chicks and all.

The hunt so to speak.

Anyway, Eduardo usually never has problems with these chicks.

But the chick from last night?

Wasn’t a usual chick from the spots he would go to for paisa prostitutes.

To keep a long story short, Eduardo went to some sketchy building he said where he paid entrance to get in.

Had some bar area inside it.

Ended up getting drugged by the chick and lost whatever money he had on hand without getting to fuck anyone.

And that was it.

In Colombia, keep in mind, they have this drug called Scopolamine that is common enough down here…

Where they basically drug you with it and you do whatever they want.

Well, the dude never got physically hurt from what he said.

No broken bones or anything.

But he lost the money he had on person.

If I remember right, it was around 70 bucks more or less.

A decent sum in Colombia but he is alright for now.

Keep in mind, he says he never has this problem at the typical places he goes to.

But just goes to show there is that danger down here when it comes to prostitutes.

Some will give you a good time perhaps while others might try to scam you.

However you pursue women, just be safe obviously.

And with that, 3 main points to summarize this story:
  • Be very careful when drinking no matter where you are. I was a little bit drunk myself. When you are very drunk, it is easier for someone to take advantage of you like steal your money.
  • Colombia is an amazing country with very sexy women. No point in paying for sex ever in any country but especially not with prostitutes in Colombia where plenty of sexy women are down for fun for free. 
  • If you do end up paying for it (again, no judgement on my part), then just be careful to not get drugged or scammed. 

And with that, I hope you enjoyed this story and its lessons!

If you are ready to go to Colombia yourself, make sure to book a ticket with Avianca Airlines!

Hasta luego parceros,


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