5 Tips on Handling Confusion about your Trip to Colombia

So you have decided to take a trip to Colombia for some time.

Maybe you are only going on a tourist visa to spend 6 months or so before heading back home just to see how Colombia is

Perhaps you are going to work here and teach English or whatever else

Or maybe you have decided to take the bigger decision and get residency down here where you can live in Colombia for theforeseeable future

However, in any of those scenarios, you are going to face a minor problem

You got your bags packed. Ticket bought. Ready to go!

But you then tell your family and friends about your decision to stay in Colombia for some decent time


They will look at you as if you grew an extra head.

Therefore, the reality is that quite a few people out there are absolutely against the idea of ever setting foot in a country like Colombia

They simply assume its all cocaine, drug violence and Pablo Escobar

Time for a funny and relevant story?

One time I was at a gas station in the US some years ago when visiting family

There was an older guy in front of me in line ordering some cigarettes

In the small talk between the older guy and the cashier, the older man explains that his son is going to Colombia for a “gapyear abroad” or something like that

The cashier looks at the guy as if he said his son was going to commit suicide

And then goes “oh no! Not Colombia! Anywhere but Colombia! They (assumingly some criminal group) will be waiting to kidnap him the second he gets off the plane!”

Well….that seems a bit dramatic don’t you think?

But that’s how it is. Quite a few people assume that stepping foot in a country like Colombia is too dangerous and you willabsolutely be harmed somehow.

Going way back….

I remember when I returned from Colombia after studying abroad there

Upon returning, I am at a family reunion event where an uncle looks at me and the first words he says are…

“So Colombia eh? Don’t they got lots of cocaine and violence down here with all that Pablo Escobar stuff?”

Well, fortunately for me, Pablo Escobar was long dead before I showed up.

But these 2 examples illustrate a very important point

That most of your family and friends will not understand why you are going to Colombia

And most might think you are a bit crazy for doing so

Therefore, now the bigger question is…

How Do You Deal With This?

There are a few ways you can respond to some of the inquiries you will get. Here are some of my ideas based on my experience:

Tip 1: Find out if you even like Colombia Before Long Term Living

trip to colombiaCheck out these great photos of Cartagena by TripAdvisor

Spending a few months in Colombia is very different than spending years or decades here.

Keep that in mind as you plan your trip to Colombia

When you first show up, you will be at some honeymoon phase where you love most of this country and what it offers.

After a while, you see Colombia for what it is – a decent but not perfect country with its benefits and flaws

And you will be much more aware of those flaws after some time down here

Therefore, initially you should come to Colombia to simply see if you even like it to begin with

If you do, keep on living down here and look for ways to extend your stay legally.

Tip 2: Make Sure You Can Support Yourself

This is very important obviously. You need to know how to support yourself down here, which I have offered tips elsewhere on my website in other articles.

But basically you should be looking for an online income or have some retirement income.

Therefore, in my experience, working a local job down here is not worth it compared to what you can earn elsewhere versus the little you are going to earn working a local job.

Tip 3: Address the Stereotypes Respectfully

trip to colombia

After you have decided to live here a longer term basis, you might want to address the stereotypes in a respectful manner.

This is where you can provide a more realistic view of what Colombia is like for anyone who hasn’t visited the country.

People are generally interested in learning about other places and are going to be a little bit open to adjusting their previousbeliefs about a place.

Of course, try to be respectful and don’t come across as condescending when addressing stereotypes. There are some folks who do address the stereotypes but they come across as some sort of “I have traveled the world and know everything” type of person

That always comes across as annoying and nobody wants to listen to that.

Tip 4: Don’t Be Offended & Offer Your Reasoning

When someone mentions to you how “crazy” you are for living in Colombia or how you are “wasting your life” down here, don’t take it personally.

Most of the time it is coming from a family member or a very close friend who is simply concerned for you

It may seem like a bit much and sometimes their concerns may seem to exaggerate some of the danger in Colombia

But that’s just the way it is. Most of what people see in Colombia is of a dangerous country that only produces cocaine

Not one that has beautiful nature, low cost of living, minimal government intrusion into your life and beautiful women

So be prepared to explain your reasoning also for why you wish to live in Colombia to those concerned and don’t be offended by any of those mentioned comments.

Tip 5: Maintain Strong Contact Back Home

trip to colombia

Finally, it is very important to not forget where you came from and the family and friends you have back home.

Never forget that.

Always try to maintain strong contact with your family and friends and don’t forget about them.

They will be interested to keep up with you and you also will probably be interested as you are likely to get lonely down hereoccasionally being the foreigner in a new country.

Final Thoughts

Overall, this is some of my basic advice for how to handle this situation as you take your trip to Colombia.

Moreover, if you are planning on living abroad long term, you absolutely need to know that this issue will come up in your life and that is why I wrote this article

To remind all of you that this will be something to address as you make the temporary or permanent move abroad with your trip to Colombia.

And before you take your first trip to Colombia, make sure to prepare yourself with a nice travel guide and a book on Colombian culture so you are more knowledgeable of Colombia before visiting 

Above all, I hope you enjoyed this article and let me know if you have any questions or insight below regarding your trip to Colombia. Thanks.

Hasta luego parceros,


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