In Colombia, most of the women that you meet here will be sweet, feminine and very beautiful — however, some will try to trick you with their common dating scams in Colombia
So for that reason, you have to be careful as well – even though most of the women are honest and will not try to trick you with dating scams in Colombia, some of them make the rest look best sometimes
Over the years living here, I have met an occasional foreigner like myself get scammed by either sending money to a girl he didn’t know or almost getting drugged
And as I have written about elsewhere on this website, some of these scammers have even tried to go after me also with dating scams in Colombia
So if you are thinking of coming to Colombia to enjoy the beautiful, feminine and sweet women that this country has to offer, then pay attention to the following 10 tips
This one is fairly simple
By learning Spanish, you will have a much better chance at communicating with the women down here and avoiding any miscommunication
On top of that, the amount of women that you can talk with will increase significantly as only a handful of women here actually speak any English at all
And you know who is learning English down here?
The women who want to scam you and steal your money – they are learning English so that they can target foreigners that have more money than the average Colombian
If you only speak English and no Spanish, then the amount of women you can meet will be much lower and your probability of meeting a scammer goes up because of the amount of scammers who are learning English
So learn Spanish to at least a conversational level
And if you want to improve your Spanish, try using this useful textbook or this phrasebook to help you get started. If you still have trouble with Spanish after that, having a translator for your dates with Colombian women can also be helpful
While meeting the women down here, some of them will try to give you a sad story
They might be a single mother and the dad left her with the kid so many years ago or perhaps she has a family member who has a terrible medical condition
Either way, you just met this chick maybe a day ago and all of a sudden she needs lots of money – hundreds of USD right now
In a more aggressive sense, some will even ask for that money within an hour of first contacting you online or however else you met her
So be careful – if she ever asks for money, just leave and go find someone else
Some of the chicks that you meet online will seem very sweet and fun
And perhaps you have been talking to one of them for a few months now before your trip to Colombia is here
Then when you arrive to Colombia, you want to meet a specific girl that you have been talking with online but she is never available
For whatever reason, something always comes up where she just can’t make
There’s endless amounts of excuses and she is always somehow too busy each time that you set up a date with her
In the best case scenario, she is simply not interested in you and has no interest in you sexually or romantically
In the worst case scenario, she’s not even a chick and doesn’t want to meet you in person because she (or he?) just wants you to send money
So in general, if she never manages to meet you and commit to a date, then move on regardless of if she is a scammer or not
This doesn’t happen too often in Colombia and is something much more common in the US from what I have seen
However, a rare chick here and there might do something like this
Basically, from what I have seen, the scam works like this:
A girl who seems very cute in her photos will tell you that she is interested in something casual because perhaps she is just horny or she just broke up with her boyfriend and wants to meet a new guy
Whatever the issue is – she wants sex and is basically saying she wants it with you
But, there’s an issue
She doesn’t know that you are a real person and needs you to go to a website to confirm you are a real person
And you visit this website and it asks of you a bunch of personal information – bank info and social security number
It seems very obviously like a scam and shouldn’t be said that it is – because it’s obvious
But apparently some guys fall for it so be careful if you see this
In case you didn’t know, it’s a scam!
I generally never give away too much personal information to a chick too soon
The more we get to know each other, the more information she can have
For example, if I just met her online, she’s only getting my name and what country I am from
She doesn’t need that much info because we just met!
Of course, on the first date she might learn where I live in Colombia if I decide to take her back to my place for a hookup
And if we ever get more serious, then I will give her more info
But just be careful with what information you give and how quickly you give it as scammers will be very interested in getting as much info as they can about you to have a better shot at scamming you
In Colombia, you should get a burner phone that costs about 20 to 50 bucks more or less
Maybe even cheaper if you can find something like that
But something that doesn’t have your real name to it and is not something you use for contacting real friends and family
Because some scammers, as I have written about elsewhere on this website, will take your phone number and try to call you with a scam
Saying that they kidnapped your brother or something and they need money RIGHT NOW or else SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS
Oh no!
So that can get annoying when it happens and it’s best to have a burner phone that you give to chicks that you don’t quite trust yet because you two don’t know each other well
Similar to how you must be careful in what private information you give to her – that also includes your real phone number
Just use common sense when you meet a girl who seems too good to be true romantically or sexually
What I mean by that is that some chicks will tell you that they love you in the first hour that they met you and they will say that they mean it
Other chicks will tell you that they want to have sex with you within the first hour of meeting them
On the first issue regarding romance, this is always a scam. I have never met a chick who wasn’t a scammer when she tells me that she loves me that quickly
Chicks like that are just hoping you are a desperate guy in need of love
Regarding the chicks that use sex, it’s a little more tricky
I have met chicks that were very sexual and were honest with their intentions – where we literally have sex within less than an hour of meeting each other
Most chicks are not like that but there’s just enough out there that I have met which can make it believable
So on that note, just be cautious and use common sense when dealing with chicks like that. Some are scammers and will try to get you in a bad neighborhood or something and others are completely normal and just want sex
So be careful
It’s not just girls that need to watch their drinks when it comes to dating
For men, there are some girls out there who will try to drug your drink as I have talked about in another article written on this website
Though most chicks don’t do this, some do
And when you fall for it, they end up taking all of your stuff and leaving you
When it comes to meeting chicks, you want to meet them in an area that is safe and that you know well to avoid dating scams in Colombia
Where you live in Colombia should ideally be that kind of neighborhood that is safe and that you obviously know well – so why not meet them there?
And if you are just looking for a hookup, having them meet you near your place is obviously better logistics
And if you are fine with traveling a little bit within the city you are in, just make sure the place and neighborhood you two are meeting in is safe, has plenty of people and is a place you ideally know or have researched
A good way to stay safe in Colombia is to make some local friends that you can trust – Colombians who know the country and the city you are in better than you do
Because they will have a much better sense on how to handle certain situations like how to bribe a cop and can give you that information
They also know better on which neighborhoods are safe and not safe as of right now
Finally, they speak Spanish much better than you do most likely and can handle situations better than you because there isn’t a linguistic or cultural difference for them
So if you want a good way to stay safe in Colombia and also a good way to have more fun, make some friends while you are in Colombia also!
When living in Colombia, you have to stay safe against the dating scams in Colombia
Though most Colombians are honest people and are not looking to scam you, some are and so you just have to be aware of how to stay safe
Use common sense and caution wherever you are in the world
If you have any questions or insight of your own regarding dating scams in Colombia, let me know below in the comment section. Thanks and take care!
Hasta luego parceros,
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