When living down south of the border, there are both disadvantages and advantages of living in Colombia
As described in another article on this website, there are at least 15 different problems that come with living in Colombia and being a foreigner here
However, it’s not like everything in Colombia is terrible and there is nothing great here
In fact, plenty of foreigners live happy lives in Colombia and have done so for many years as there are plenty of advantages of living in Colombia
Including myself!
And so what are some common advantages of living in Colombia for foreigners?
Similar to the mentioned article about there being 15 problems with living in Colombia…
Well, here are 20 advantages of living in Colombia as a foreigner!
Let’s break them down…
This is by far one of the biggest advantages of living in Colombia and why people decide to live here
As mentioned in another article on this website that I wrote, my cost of living in this country are about a little over a $1,000 USD a month
And I’m having a pretty good life for it also
And keep in mind that it is entirely possible to live much less here and still have your basic needs covered – especially if you live in a smaller city
As a result of having such low cost of living, it is also much easier to save more money while living in Colombia and not have as much financial stress as some people do up in the states.
In short, women here in Colombia are much more comfortable being feminine and with traditional gender roles as well.
Therefore, you have more women here who take greater care of their appearance in dresses and nice makeup
You have more women here also who offer to cook you a nice meal on the first date and like to engage in more traditionally feminine activities.
Similar to the low cost of living, this is another big thing that encourages a lot of people to come live in Colombia
Which is that the women here tend to be a lot sexier overall – much better bodies, more plastic surgery, more comfortable showing off their skin in certain parts of the country…
And overall, much more comfortable with their bodies in the bedroom also
Overall, men are much happier here with the women sexually
Life in Colombia can often be very exciting from time to time
With the great nightlife and beautiful women here and the low cost of living, you can have a lot of excitement every night
Where you can go learning how to dance salsa with some friends, a nice girl and some aguardiente any night of the week
And in the afternoon in the following day, you can enjoy any of the touristy areas that the country has to offer
Which can include the Gold Museum in Bogota to the some of the colonial architecture
All around, life here can be very exciting with everything that Colombia has to offer
In my opinion, Colombia has the most interesting history as a country out of any of the countries in Latin America
But that’s just my opinion
In particular, the history of Colombia during La Violencia is very interesting to read about
And also the history before the period of Spanish colonization started is interesting too
With that, this also means that there are plenty of historical areas to visit in the country also
Including the Ciudad Perdida, which shows some amazing pre-colonial architecture
And that’s just one example of all the history that this country has and how you can enjoy it while living in Colombia
If you are interested in learning more about Colombian history, check out this book on Pablo Escobar and this book on Colombian history.
Whenever I return to the US, I always gain a few pounds while spending time there to see family and friends
It doesn’t matter how little I eat – I’m always going to gain weight it seems
Perhaps it’s because of how unhealthy the food is or whatever else
But this always happens – and when I return to Colombia, I always lose the weight
Simply put, Colombia makes it easier to have a healthier lifestyle
The food doesn’t give you as many calories and it isn’t that tasty anyway so you are never too encouraged to eat a lot
Which kinda sounds like a negative but in a way is a positive
Also, people walk much more here and so will you
Which will help keep you in shape
All across Colombia you can enjoy the amazing nature that this country has to offer
As written about in another article on my website, Colombia has plenty of touristy spots to see
From the Tayrona National Park to the Amazon Rainforest
Plenty of beaches, mountains and rainforest to enjoy
So why not visit Colombia and sit down on a beach and enjoy life here?
Plenty of foreigners already do
Generally speaking, it’s much easier to enjoy life here without having the government spy on everything you do
Now granted, if you are not careful about your privacy, your information is likely still being collected anyway
But if you are careful, it’s much easier to protect your private information in Colombia and not have companies and/or the government collecting as much information as they can on you
And even though some of you might think that you have nothing to hide…
Well, wouldn’t you want to protect your privacy anyway? You never know what might happen with that information in the future so it’s always better to protect yourself in that way
One thing that I see quite commonly is older people coming from the US to get healthcare in Colombia or some other Latin American country
From what I have seen, it seems very popular and has been getting even more popular year by year as more older people look for better and cheaper healthcare elsewhere
So if you live in Colombia, of course you are going to have access to that already assuming you know what you are doing
So while it’s not an issue I think about myself, it’s something to consider in the long term as I get older
Though this is changing by the day, I would say that most Colombians tend to be less active on social media than most Americans
Every time I go back to the US, I always see everybody on their phone while at a table in a restaurant
In Colombia, I see some people here and there on the phone but most of the people are still talking with the other person they are sitting with
And in the end, isn’t it nice to be somewhere where everyone is not on their phone all the time?
As I said before, this issue is changing as many of the younger Colombians are becoming more social media addicted but it’s still got some time before the issue ever becomes as bad as what it is in the US or elsewhere
When you look at divorce statistics in Colombia, which I had in several articles on this website, you realize that divorce is much less common in this country than in the US
And if you are going to get married someday, don’t you want to get married in a country where you are more likely to make your marriage work?
Where people value the meaning of marriage a lot more and do not see it as disposable as some of the women in the US and elsewhere
After all, what is the point of getting married if you have a statistically high probability that you will get divorced, lose significant access to your kids and a portion of your wealth?
Seems a little crazy, doesn’t it?
Well, in Colombia, divorce is less common and you have much less risk of that happening here to you
In short, it’s easier to find a loving wife in Colombia — especially through some of the great companies that offer help in that regard, such as Dream Connections
If you are living in the US, Canada or Europe, you are farther away from Latin America in general
But if you are in Colombia, you are living in Latin America
Where it is easier and cheaper to take a trip to Peru to see Machu Picchu or to see Panama City in Panama
Or perhaps you want to go to Brazil and see Rio? Or how about the Salt Flats in Bolivia?
And while you can do that all from the US, being in Colombia makes the trip to any of those places cheaper and easier with a shorter flight
If you plan on doing that, make sure to do it with Avianca Airlines as they have flights all over Latin America
In some parts of Colombia, you have perfect climate year around
In cities like Medellin, Pereira or Manizales specifically – the climate is always like spring
Wouldn’t that be nice to live in instead of living in the US where you might have to experience heavy snow and cold every year or really high heat and humidity?
It’s nice to have that type of climate that a city like Medellin offers and its year around!
While living in Colombia, I still read the news obviously as I enjoy it
However, it’s a lot easier to simply disconnect from the craziness that happens in the world while down here
You don’t have Colombians running up to you to get something off their chest about something that happened in the news that made them angry
Whenever you want, you have a much easier time simply disconnecting from the world so that you can relax and take a break from all the craziness out there
As a result of everything said so far and some of the points that will come after this one, I have noticed that everyone is happier and less stressed while in Colombia
It’s easier for people to disconnect, it’s cheaper here and it’s easier to spend time outside with your family that isn’t divorced and just enjoy nature instead of being on Facebook
Perhaps even in a nice spring like climate in Medellin or on a beach near Santa Marta
With all the benefits of living here, how could you not be happy and less stressed?
Again – another point adding to why people are happier and less stressed while in Colombia
Foreigners who make the move down here often have retirement funds or they are making money online
Both of which will help you escape the rat race up north where people are working longer hours for less money
While here, you can make decent money for few hours working on the internet and use the remainder of your free time with your family, having fun with the women down here, enjoying the outdoors and nature or whatever else you want to do
Talking about money again, there are also tax benefits to living in Colombia (or outside the US)
Over the years that I have been living in Colombia, I have paid a lot less taxes than what I was paying while living in the US
For one, I don’t even have an income tax anymore that I pay to
And I don’t pay any money for state tax either
When it comes to filling for federal taxes in general, I get to do that in June instead of April
Overall, it’s quite nice to have these benefits and you can too while living down here
After you live down here long enough, you will start thinking about getting your second passport and citizenship down here in Colombia
With that second passport, you will have a lot more freedom in the world to travel around in case something happens in the US
Where maybe you can’t get your US passport renewed for whatever reason, you now have a Colombian passport to get around
And over the years of living here, I have met plenty of foreigners who have been making efforts to do just that because it will offer them more freedom and peace of mind – a second passport
Another benefit to living in Colombia is that life here overall is more conservative
You don’t have big overarching governments (as big as in the US) always trying to tax you for every little thing and take your money
You also have fewer social just warriors running around – to the point that they are not even noticeable or taken seriously
Gender roles are taken more seriously and women are more feminine as mentioned before
Overall, life is nicer here also because it is more conservative
Finally, there is one overarching benefit to living in Colombia – enjoying the Gringo Advantage.
Where there are certain things you enjoy for simply being a gringo living in Latin America
For example, people simply treat you nicer. They assume you are better educated, they are more curious about you because they want to know what life is like in the US…
Perhaps they even want to be your friend and you will have local people here occasionally even approach you when they hear your accent and ask you questions about where you are from and more
Basically because they want to get to know you more and hang out with you
There will also be women who will find you more attractive for being a foreigner and that will give you a little bonus when it comes to the dating market here
When it comes to jobs, there are certain jobs, such as being an English teacher, that are not too hard to get here because you are a foreigner
And that’s just scratching the surface
There are a wide range of advantages of living in Colombia
Many of the benefits here could also be applied to other Latin American countries from my experience and I have seen foreigners enjoy these same benefits elsewhere in the region
So while there are some negatives that come with living here, as mentioned in another article, there are so many benefits also
And you know something?
There are more and more foreigners coming to Latin America each year to enjoy the advantages of living in Colombia
But also more and more who are choosing to live here also long term
It’s becoming increasingly more common where when I first started living down here, I never saw too many other Americans
Now I see them all the time – especially in bigger cities like Bogota but now even in smaller areas like Pereira or Valledupar even
Which all goes to show that more people are recognizing the benefits of living here and how those benefits outweigh all the negatives that I talked about in the other article
So if you are thinking of living here down and have some questions regarding the advantages of living in Colombia, let me know in the comment section below
Or just say hi and give some insight of our own if you also have lived in Colombia or Latin America for some time
Thanks for reading and take care!
Hasta luego parceros,
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