10 Best Amazon Products to Learn Colombian Spanish

If you are ever going to Colombia to learn Spanish, what are some of the best products to learn Colombian Spanish from Amazon before your trip to this beautiful country?

Because every country in Latin America has its own version of Spanish in a way with its own slang and way of speaking.

Way back when I first traveled to Colombia over a decade ago, I arrived to Barranquilla and got introduced to the Spanish on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia.

In that part of Colombia, it was very hard to understand everyone.

Especially because my Spanish in general was quite bad back then.

But over time my Spanish improved and I also took trips to other parts of Colombia.

Such as Medellin, Bogota, Pereira and more

And I found it so much easier to understand the Spanish in other parts of Colombia because the accent was easier overall.

So even if you travel to Colombia, don’t expect the accent and the type of Spanish to be the same even domestically across this country.

Spanish accents can be quite different domestically within a country in the same way it can be different between countries.

So make sure to check out the following Amazon products to learn Colombian Spanish before you even arrive to Colombia (Amazon links provided under each product list).


Product 1: Vistas Introduccion A La Lengua Espanola by Jose A. Blanco

Now this book is not designed to teach you specifically Colombian Spanish but I am recommending it first because this is the book I used to learn Spanish a long time ago.

Now it’s not actually the exact same textbook I used because this version came out in 2012 but it works better than the earlier version I had because it’s more updated.

And it’s still from the same company that has plenty of high quality educational material on learning Spanish – Vista Higher Learning.

If you are completely new to the Spanish language, this book is necessary to begin your journey to learning Spanish.

Use this book first before trying to learn any Colombian Spanish.

You can purchase this book here on Amazon.

Product 2: Colombian Slang by Gutiérrez Fernández and María Paula

Available on Kindle, this book has 500 different words that will help you “feel like a local in Colombia.” With all the different slang available, this is by far the best book I came across for learning Colombian Spanish on Amazon.

A while back I bought this book back around 2017 or 2018 – so pretty recently.

I figured that even though my Spanish has gotten a lot better over the last decade, learning never ends! So I figured I would try this book to see if I could learn anything new that I didn’t know before or that my Colombian girlfriend hasn’t taught me.

And overall I was quite happy with this book. A strong recommendation as a great product to learn Colombian Spanish!

You can purchase this product here on Amazon

Product 3: Quick Guide to Colombian Spanish by Language Babel

Available in Kindle and Paperback, this book is similar to the other one in that it has plenty of Colombian slang for you to learn.

In my opinion, either the last book or this one will serve you well in addition to the Spanish textbook recommended first.

This book has more than 450 terms for you to learn, including a lot of slang and words you would hear normally in Colombian public.

Only reason why this book is recommended a little bit lower is because my Colombian girlfriend said that just a few of the words were outdated or used by much older Colombians.

But either way it is a good deal for the price and all around a great book.

You can purchase this product here on Amazon.

Product 4: Colombia: Spanish Travel Phrases by Sarah Ritter

Available on Kindle and paperback, this book is one of the better books out there for people who need Colombian Spanish for very specific situations.

These situations might involve the bank, your visa, customs, hairdresser, car rental, supermarket taxi, hotel, business meetings, café and much more.

With 116 pages, this book also has a bit more content available for those who want more detail on using Colombian Spanish in very specific situations.  You will find that the book has phrases that are categorized based on situations.

The only critique of this book is that it needs better formatting but overall it’s a very good book.

You can purchase this product here on Amazon

Product 5: A La Colombiana by Mariana Velez

products to learn Colombian Spanish

Available on Kindle, this book is a little bit different in that it doesn’t so much focus on a bunch of slang but more on the different situations you might find yourself in while in Colombia and helping you understand Colombian Spanish in those situations.

It all around is a very good product for its price given that it stands around $3 USD as of the time of this writing.

The only negative is that the book is a little bit short at about 31 pages. Though very concise and well written, it would also be nice if it was a little bit longer. Still a very good deal though!

You can purchase this book here on Amazon

Product 6: Colombian Spanish by Peter Low

This is a good product on Kindle that was created by a Colombian expat that has lived in this country for a long time and experience with Colombian Spanish.

One benefit to this book is that it helps explain how to use certain Colombian phrases or words in very specific contexts from dating to joking with locals to making friends and more.

On top of that, you can use this book along with some of the free online material that the author, Peter Low, has on his blog available here.

And you can purchase this book on Amazon here

Product 7: Collected Stories by Harper Perennial Modern Classics 

This book is not so much to teach you Colombian Spanish that you would use on the street but more to teach you Colombian literature.

For those with very limited Spanish, you do not need to worry! This book is in English and that is why it is put first as a book to try if you want to dig a bit deeper into Colombian literature.

All around it is a book for everybody regardless of Spanish language capability and will help introduce you to some of the best short stories by one of Colombia’s greatest authors, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

You can purchase this book here on Amazon.

Product 8: Spanish Short Stories for Beginners by Lindo Mastery

This product is not designed to teach you specifically Colombian Spanish but is meant to help you practice your Spanish by reading very easy short stories in Spanish.

For those that are beginners to the Spanish language, this is a great book that has plenty of content for beginners. It will help you quite a bit and serves as a good addition to the Spanish textbook mentioned at the start of this article.

You can purchase this book on Amazon here

Product 9: One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

This is by far one of the best books to purchase for Colombian literature as it is one of the most famous pieces of Colombian literature out there.

Now if your Spanish is quite limited, then you can purchase the English version here on Amazon.

However, if your Spanish is much more advanced, then you can purchase the Spanish version here on Amazon instead.

Either way, a great book and a must read for anybody that wants to read one of the best examples of Colombian literature before or during their trip to Colombia!

Product 10: Smart Voice Language Translator Device

If you find that you are still not at a conversational level in Spanish, you can purchase this recommended product to help you translate during conversations in Colombia.

This product has the ability to translate in both ways in English and Spanish, including 45 other languages also. So you can use it not just in Colombia but in many other countries around the world. A good product for those who travel internationally or might do so in the future later.

You can purchase this product here on Amazon.  

Final Thoughts

products to learn Colombian Spanish

In the end, being able to speak Spanish is fundamental to truly enjoying your time to Colombia if you ever plan on visiting this amazing country.

Not only do you need to learn Spanish but you should also be aware of the different accents and slang that exist in this diverse country.

Now if you need additional help on improving your Spanish before traveling to Colombia, then I recommend you check out my other articles.

In this great guide I wrote, you can learn tips on how to improve your Spanish before even showing up to Colombia from your own home.

That article will help give you a great tip on how to learn Spanish in a time and cost effective manner before even stepping on a plane.

On top of that, check out this other article I wrote on the best cities in Colombia to learn Spanish. As mentioned earlier in this article, I found Barranquilla to be quite difficult for learning Spanish when I first arrived there over a decade ago.

Simply put, some cities in Colombia are easier for foreigners to learn Spanish than others.

And if you have any questions or insight of your own for learning Spanish in Colombia, let me know in the comment section or by email in the contact form of this website.

Thank you for reading and your time.

Hasta luego parceros,


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    admin March 17, 2020

    whats up. im not sure what you mean by blog system. i use hostgator as my hosting company. hope that helps.

ahmed March 16, 2020

Hi, I am visiting this web page daily, this web page is useful. i hope to learn spanish well

Jeremy L. February 7, 2020

thanks. ive been learning spanish for just a few months now. this seems useful. got any other tips to learn it?

    admin February 18, 2020

    for sure jeremy. just check out any of my other articles on learning spanish. one tip is to practice it by meeting nice chicks online. can help you practice it and also meet cute chicks to date down the road if you ever go to colombia

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