Understanding SJWs in Colombia

Occasionally I have been asked by friends up in the US a very interesting question — are there SJWs in Colombia?

SJWs meaning “social justice warriors”

You see, I haven’t really lived in the US for many years now

And to be honest, I don’t know very well how bad it is up in the US or elsewhere when it comes to SJWs

From what I have heard among friends and some of the stuff I see in the news, it seems to be getting crazier

With people upset over everything

And to be fair, you have crazy people on both the left and the right who get angry over even the smallest things

But for some reason, I keep getting asked about SJWS in Colombia

And that question actually has been getting a little more common the last few years as more people I know travel by Avianca Airlines to Colombia

So at one point I decided to start taking notes on any SJW like incidents that may come up in Colombia

And gone through my previous notes on my life here to see if I can find anything

While also using just what I know about Colombia as well to write out this article

Well, it basically breaks down like this…

Are there SJWS in Colombia?

Yes but not really

They do exist in some parts of Colombia but they tend to be more commonly located in Bogota than anywhere else

Moreover, you will not find any real SJWS in Popayán for example

Or other lesser known Colombian cities that get little tourism and are not that wealthy

In my years living in Colombia, I also noticed a few of them in other wealthier cities like Medellin and Cartagena specifically

So in short, you can first say that most of the SJWS you see in Colombia are going to be in the wealthier cities

Additionally, it’s only really the younger folks (aged 20 to 30ish) that engage in that kind of behavior

The older people in Colombia tend to be much more conservative than the younger population

And especially more conservative than the more privileged younger population that live in the nicer cities like Bogota

Additionally, there are only 3 types of Colombians that I have noticed that tend to act in more SJW like behavior from myobservations

3 Types of Colombian SJWs

  1. University students
  2. Those who work in activism with foreigners
  3. Those who have studied and lived abroad in wealthier countries like the US

So let’s break that down….

University Students

SJWs in ColombiaSome of the more well known universities in Colombia

Bringing this group up, I want to say that most university students in Colombia are not going to be SJWs

Moreover, most of them tend to be more conservative anyway

And also, you don’t generally hear about professors trying to force their political opinions on students here like you would in the US or elsewhere

Having studied in a university in Colombia before many years ago, I took some Spanish courses and also some politics courses

Naturally, the professors in the Spanish courses don’t bring in much politics

But obviously the politics professors did

But even then, they only covered the subjects and the book material. I don’t ever remember seeing any signs of professors trying to force their political opinions as facts upon the students here

Granted, things may have changed then.

It has been over a decade since I studied abroad in Colombia and am no longer a student here

However, you just don’t hear about it from the general population. It seems people trust the universities and the professorsto do their jobs and not force their opinions as facts upon others

Having said all of that, you will see the occasional news story about some group of SJWs in Colombia trying to do protest in silly ways or act in a certain behavior that turns off most of the population

And most of the time the people acting this way are young college students

Therefore, in a way it should be mentioned that young college students in Colombia are more likely to be SJWs anyone else

But specifically those who study in a nice university in one of the richer cities like Bogota, Cartagena or Medellin

It also seems nonsexist this type of behavior among college students in other Colombian cities that are not as wealthy

Those Who Work in Activism With Foreigners

This is another group that is certainly going to have a lot of SJW like people.

In my experience, Colombians doing activism without any foreign help tend to not act in any SJW like behavior

Moreover, they tend to be more reasonable and rational in their ideas and how they wish to achieve their goals as a social group, NGO, etc

For whatever reason, it’s only the Colombian activists that work heavily with foreigners from the US, Europe or elsewherethat tend to be more like SJWs

My suspicion is…

That these foreign individuals and groups are likely bringing in their own ideas about social justice and heavily influencing the activists here to be more radical

Also, it’s true that similar minds attract each other and foreign groups and individuals with more radical ideas are likely tofind similar people in Colombia and elsewhere

Both of which, from what I have seen personally, is important for understanding this relationship

Those who have lived abroad in wealthier countries like the US

SJWs in Colombia

Similar to the foreign activists, this type of Colombian is likely to be influenced by the politics that can be found in countries like the US

After being influenced by the politics up north, they tend to come back to Colombia to live in cities like Bogota

Where they can introduce the ideas they were influenced by into the Colombian society

However, it should be noted that most Colombians I have met who have lived abroad are not like this and are not SJWs

Among the 3 groups mentioned here, this is the group that tends to be least likely to be like an SJW and get angry over every little issue

Final Thoughts

Overall, SJWS do exist in Colombia and they tend to be part of some of the groups I mentioned above

They are also likely to be part of other groups or trends that perhaps I didn’t pick up

However, overall, the influence of SJWs in Colombia is very minimal

Even though they exist here, they probably exist in just about any country to be honest

In my experience, most Colombians are not SJWs, not influenced by their ideas and politics and will sometimes even joke about them without taking them seriously

So if you are thinking of coming to Colombia but worried about the influence of SJWs here…

You shouldn’t worry. It’s not that bad here as it is elsewhere.

If you are curious to know more, check out my other article on SJWs in Colombia

Hope that clears things up for those wondering.Thanks.

Hasta luego parceros,


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