Nightlife & Dating Colombian Girls in Pasto

A while ago, I decided to travel to Ecuador.

A nice little country that I never had spent too much time in until a bit ago.

Welcoming people and beautiful scenery.

But it was time to go back home to Colombia – where I had been living for over a decade.

But funny enough – I didn’t have a return ticket to Colombia!

How did I ever get on a plane to Ecuador without the airline agents giving me grief for not having a return ticket, I’ll never know…

But that’s another topic for another day.

Anyway, I decided to take a little bit of an adventure back to Colombia and get on a bus instead.

Now, in hindsight, that was a bit stupid of me given how scary the bus ride was.

I mean – you should have seen some of the roads the bus was driving on.

Especially on the mountains in that area where if the bus driver makes a mistake, you’re going to end up dead quickly based on the fall from some mountain.

If you don’t believe me, check out this video here on a bus crash in Ecuador.

Or just look up bus crashes in Ecuador into Youtube yourself.

Anyway, despite how scary the trip was at certain points…

I manage to get myself back into Colombia after crossing into the Ecuadorian border.

And headed to a city called Pasto.

To be fair, I never had spent much time in Pasto before this.

I had visited the city a few times but only while passing by to visit other places in the same area.

So here I decided I will give my Colombian girlfriend some grief and make her wait for me an extra 2 months while spending time in Pasto.

She had been writing me all day by Whatsapp “amor – te extraño!!”

Well, she was going to have to keep on extrañar-ing

As I felt the need to get a better understanding of a Colombian city I had never spent much time in.

But had heard that it was a nice place from other Colombian friends I have here.

And to be fair – I was not disappointed.

A cute little city with a welcoming culture all around.

And a decent nightlife that was more chill and enjoyable.

So let’s look more into that and explore what Pasto has to offer.

Welcome to Pasto.

First: Basic Facts

As you can already guess, this city is a little bit closer to the Ecuadorian border than most other large Colombian cities.

It is also officially known as the San Juan de Pasto and is the capital of the Colombian department of Nariño.

Located within the Andes Mountain region, you will notice also that this city has plenty of nearby nature to explore.

With plenty of mountains and also even some hiking trails here and there if you look for them.

On top of that, this city has about 500,000 people and so is considerably smaller than some of other Colombia’s major cities like Bogota or Medellin.

One benefit to Pasto also is that the climate is quite nice year around for the most part. It never gets cold and it is usually not too hot either for the most part to my liking.

Furthermore, this city is one of the more important cultural hubs in southern Colombia. For example, you will find the Carnaval de Negros y Blancos in this city. This is the largest carnival celebration in this part of Colombia and was quite fun to experience when I was there.

If you are also looking to meet other foreigners in this city, then showing up for when that carnival happens around early January is ideal. Most of the foreigners that visit this city show up then.

And not to mention that the Colombian chicas are more wild and looking to have a good time around the carnival also.

Just something about a nice party brings the craziness out in some women down here.

Which, that might be a nice topic to discuss for another day given some of the stories I have about my time during that carnival with the chicas. 😉

Second: Safety

Similar to a few other cities in Colombia like Popayán, I never noticed any issue with safety here.

I walked around a bit also when I was here and visited different areas of the city and never came across an area that made me feel unsafe.

For the most part, it’s quite a quiet little city that doesn’t have anything bad really happening here.

So like anywhere else, make sure to apply common sense when you are in this city and you will avoid any problems most likely.

Third: Spanish?

Out of all the Colombian cities I have been to, this is one of the worst ones for English levels.

Which isn’t bad for me since I speak Spanish but is more of a warning for those who don’t.

I never met a single person here who speak English but I’m sure you can find someone given it’s a big enough city.

But still – you will have a harder time truly enjoying life and the women here if you don’t speak some Spanish.

At least to a conversational level.

And furthermore – I feel the locals here will be more impressed if you do come in with some Spanish. When I spent time here, I found the locals were much more surprised that I spoke Spanish than locals in most other Colombian cities.

Probably because larger Colombian cities like Bogota or Medellin have enough foreigners showing up who do speak Spanish that it’s not as big of a surprise.

But the locals here – in my experience – were very welcoming and also happy that I learned their language.

So definitely learn Spanish if you want to enjoy life here. You will make lots of friends and meet plenty of cute women.

Fourth: Demographics

This city has a heavier white and mestizo population.

Like Cali for example which has a heavier black population for example.

And in fact, according to statistics I found online, supposedly around 97% of the population is either white or mestizo.

Which isn’t a surprise given my experience here.

So if you are into white Latinas or browner mestiza Latinas, then you will be happy here.

Fifth: Attractiveness

For me personally, I found the women here to not be as attractive as women in other parts of Colombia like Pereira, Cali, etc.

However, that isn’t to say that the women here are ugly.

Far from it!

Most women here are cute looking and you got some sexy chicks here also.

From what I saw, they carried a more conservative look and didn’t show off their bodies nearly as much as what you would see in places like Cali, Medellin, Cartagena, etc.

So less of a “sexy” look and more of a “cute girl next door.”

In short, you will not be disappointed here and can definitely find a cute woman despite it not having the sexiest women Colombia can offer.

Sixth: Nightlife

These were some of the bars that I visited when I was in Pasto. Other bars in this list were also recommended by some friends I made while spending time in Pasto.

  • Embrujo Andino Peña Bar: This place has one of the more lively atmospheres you will find in Pasto. It also had good Andean music of Colombia playing when I had gone. Only issue is that prices are a little bit more expensive than most places in Pasto but overall still reasonable in my opinion.
  • Bar Los Chavos: This is a pretty chill bar to hang out at and maybe bring a girl with you to have a few drinks. Customer service was friendly and I’d go back for sure to hang out or if I was going on a date.
  • Shamrock: This place is decent overall. One thing I really liked about it was the food that I had. Also, over the few times I had gone, there were live music performances as well. Similar to the last place, this would be ideal for going on a date with a chick or just having a good night.
  • Amarula: Plenty of cute chicks at this venue. If you are looking to find a nice girl for the night, check out this place if you can. Though similar to the rest of Colombia, people show up in groups but you can meet someone here in my opinion. Good selection of drinks also.
  • Live Club Karaoke Bar: This place had pretty fair prices for drinks when I went. Also, I enjoy karaoke on a good night with some chick I’m dating and this place fits well for that. Can be fun overall.
  • Oveja Negra Pub: This is a nice pub to eat at and have some drinks. Out of all of the places on this list, I believe this venue has some of the best food available. Definitely try the hamburgers. The pizza is good also. Only issue was that there was a weird smell here anytime I went but overall it was a pleasant experience.
  • Absalon Beer & Snacks:  Great place to eat and drink at. It also has a livelier vibe with occasional good live music performances to enjoy. Good selection of beer and wings also.
  • La Chula Bar: One cool thing about this place is that it tends to have more varied music in my experience. However, it wasn’t always active whenever I went. Sometimes it can be dead while other times it has a decent amount of people and chicks to see. Also, the venue inside isn’t as nice looking aesthetically speaking in my opinion. However, it’s fine overall.
  • Kabana Bar: Good drinks and the girls here were cute also. Only issue is that this venue is a bit small similar to the place mentioned next.
  • Kasa Bar: There were some cute chicks I saw here whenever I went. Also has some cool music performances but not as great as some of the other places here. Also, this venue is a bit small in my opinion. However, the prices are also very reasonable here. So it’s not an OK place overall.

Out of all of these places, my favorite ones to visit were Absalon Beer & Snacks, Embrujo Andino Peña Bar and Oveja Negra Pub.

Seventh: Daygame

In my experience, daygame is going to be one of your best tools to meeting chicks in Pasto.

The reality is that there are not as many women online as you would hope for and a lot of the chicks in the bars go in groups like elsewhere.

For sure, you can meet hot Colombian chicks during the night or online but you will want to emphasize meeting them in public more when here.

Here are some of the places I recommend:

  • Plaza de Nariño
  • Centro Comercial Unico Outlet
  • Parque de Santiago
  • Unicentro Pasto
  • Parque Ecológico Aurelio Arturo
  • Parque Bomboná
  • Centro Comercial Galerias
  • Parque Chapalito
  • Centro Comercial San Andresito
  • Parque Bolivar
  • Centro Comercial Sebastián de Belalcázar
  • Plaza de Carnaval

As you can see, almost all of the areas recommended are either parks or shopping malls. In Colombia in general, you will find these types of areas to be best for approaching different types of women that pass by.

Out of all of these areas, the ones I consider to be the best for meeting chicks are Plaza de Nariño, Unicentro Pasto and Centro Comercial Unico Outlet.

Eighth: Online Game

When it comes to meeting women online, you won’t find too many Colombian women in Pasto.

Honestly, the city is a bit small and also it just seems that there aren’t as many women who are interested in meeting men online here.

Granted, you can give Colombian Cupid a try by signing up here.

I did log into my Colombian Cupid profile just to see how many women I could find in Pasto and you do have some options to be fair.

So it’s definitely a tool you should have in your disposal to finding a nice Colombian woman here to date.

However, I strongly recommend you focus more on meeting women in the daytime here as that seemed like it would be the best way of doing things.

But just so you all are aware – I didn’t try meeting any women here when I visited Pasto given I was in a relationship and not interested in meeting other chicks.

So my dating advice for meeting women here is based on my observations from seeing what options you have online and my knowledge of what public areas you could meet Colombian women at in Pasto.

Which, fortunately, there are a few nice and quiet areas that will help you out in meeting women in public as I wrote about in the previous section.

Ninth: Restaurants

In Pasto, I wasn’t as big of a fan of the food or restaurants here to be honest but there’s a few places that had decent food.

Not much else though…

So to start, I’d recommend some of the steak places. You can’t go wrong with that.

Specifically, you should try “Steak & BBQ” and also “Restaurante Don Pacho.”

Between the two, I liked Don Pacho more for the taste of the meat. But Steak and BBQ had better customer service.

But out of all the food options you have in this city, it seems to do Italian the best from my experience.

So while it’s easy to pick out who has the best steak, it’s harder to say which place has the best Italian food.

But for me personally, I liked most Figo. It had some of the best Italian food I have tried here. Go for the lasagna.

Another great thing about this place was the outdoor space it had. It really made eating there more enjoyable overall.

But outside of Figo, you should try Trattoria Alina for the pizza. They had better pizza than anywhere else I had been to in Pasto.

For a nice café, La Catedral Café is one of the more popular options in this city. But I also really liked a place called Ventura Cafe de Nariño here also. It was a very quiet and a chill place whenever I visited. Both are good though.

On top of that, Cola de Gallo was a good option too whenever I went.

For local food, you should visit Casa Nariño Restaurante. This place had some of the best customer service in the city outside of Figo and the food was delicious. If you eat here, go for the ajiaco or the frijolada.

You won’t be disappointed parceros. 😉

Tenth: Hotels

When I was in Pasto, I only stayed at one hotel called Hotel Plaza Carnaval.

It was a decent experience overall. The bathroom and bedroom were nice and the customer service was good also.

It was also roughly around 40 bucks a night, which was a pretty good deal for what they offered.

If you are heading to Pasto for a short trip or need a hotel for when you are here, definitely check out this place.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully now you are just as excited to explore this wonderful Colombian city like I was when I arrived here some recent time ago.

Just make sure to fly in and not take a bus – I promise you, it’ll be less scary and more relaxing. 😉

And in doing so – you can enjoy the nice women, nightlife and scenery this little city of Colombia has to offer.

In which perhaps you can offer your own insight about this city or ask any questions you like in the comment section below.

Or send me an email. J

At any rate, thanks for reading and take care

Hasta luego parceros,


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